Thursday, December 21, 2006
So I am 11 and 1/2 weeks pregnant and I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. We heard the baby's heart beat!!!! It was so cool. It was really fast too, about 180 bpm, which as our doctor pointed out the old wives tale says a fast heart beat is a girl, and a slower one is a boy... so if 120 is the norm and our little one is 180, it could very well be a girl. But we aren't getting our hopes up. The heart beat was also very strong, the Dr was very happy. I got back in 4 weeks to do test for Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida, and I think a couple other things. Then 4 weeks after that is an ultrasound and we hopefully will find out the sex of our little one... so YAY only 8 more weeks of gender neutral adjetives... hopefully!
Friday, December 15, 2006
On sunday I will be 11 weeks along, Still having fun with morning sickness on random days... like today, today was a morning sickness day. Its not that bad, I throw up once and I am all done. Sometimes its before I eat (which is nasty) and sometimes its right after breakfast, which I prefer. I have a doctors appointment on Tuesday, hopefully will hear the heart beat. Sleeping is always fun. I get up at least once, ususally twice to pee. This week I started sleeping with a cylinder pillow between my legs because when I would get up to pee and climb back into bed my back would be so uncomfertable, but the pillow between my legs helps so much. I am still completely exhusted, working a ton of hours doesn't help. One more week and our holiday season will be over and I get 3 days off in a row to go to West Virginia and see the in-laws. Then I go back to work and the store will be quieter for a little while at least..
Sunday, December 3, 2006
update and pic
Well I am 9 weeks today. I have been sick all week too, not terrible... but not the best. Morning sickness hasn't been around at all, which has been nice. However I threw up in the middle of the night this week, dont know if that was from sickness or baby. This morning I woke up and going through the motions of throwing up but nothing came up, again dont know if it is baby related or from being sick. 2 more weeks till my next doctors appointment. Seeing a new doctor. I have been seeing Dr. B the last few tims but since there are like 7 women doctor in the practice and you never know who will be on call when you go into labor you see everyone so you get to know everyone... which is nice... like me new shirt?

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