Friday, April 6, 2007
On Tuesday I had some vaginal discharge that was disturbing to me so I called the doctor's office. They said it was nothing but I said I want to come in anyways just to calm my nerves. They checked my vital signs, and since I was already having some sympotms of pre-e before Tuesday they were very worried when they found protien in my urine. They sent me to the hospital just to get some lab work done since it only takes an hour to get results here, but a couple days thru the office. My labs came back not normal so I knew I was going to be in the hospital for a while. They started me on Steriods on Tuesday to help with the boys developing lungs, since things happen so fast we didn't know how much time we would have before I worsened and they had to get the boys out to save me. Wednsday morning Dr. Yates came in to check everything out and Alexander (aka Baby B, Alex or AJ)'s heart beat was severly low, below 100. All I know is it took 6 minutes from the time they started pushing me to the OR to the time both boys were out. I was put under general anestisia and the next thing I woke up very disoriented. Alex and Nate were born at 26 weeks 3 days. They both have a very long and hard battle. As of now things are looking good. Everyday it's going to be a dance of two steps forward and one step back or two steps back and one forward. I am going to be discharged on Sunday, but coming back every day to visit my two little angel boys. They are getting the best care at a level 3 NICU at St. Agnes in Baltimore.
Thank you to everyone who extended their thoughts and prayer.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
So... I got my baby shower invite in the mail.... let me tell you how "special" it is. So apparently my baby shower is a big secret. I know the day and time and that I go to my mom's house... but I know nothing else about it. So to keep me completely out of the loop they made me my own invite.
It says
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
you're not having one,
your having 2"
On the front it has baby stamps all over it and a hot pink string attatched to it (yes they know i am having boys) and dog bones punched out of it.. apparently in the set of punch outs stamps they got it came with dog bones and they didn't want to let it go to waste.
The inside of the card says
What: Your Shower.... DUH
When: Saturday April 28 @1pmPlace:
YOUR MOM (No really it's at her house)
BYOF: Bring your own fetuses
RSVP: By 4/20 to Courtney or you're uninvited
Now I know that a couple of my friends are "Secretly" helping out with the shower. I love you girls. Just make sure I get one of the real invites so I can scrapbook it.... don't worry my invite will get a special page in my pregnancy book.
Anyways... things I am going to do today:
Nap (I didn't sleep well last night)
Go to Guard practice (I do need to get out of the house every once in a while)
Fold laundry
Do dishes (I made cupcakes yesterday... yummy!!)
Wipe down the bathroom
Watch TVSuch a rough day!!
Oh and to my DC friends, If/when I get put on bedrest feel free to skip work and come visit me. We can watch sappy cheesy movies, play board games and sit on my deck drinking virgin margharitas. (Maureen already is all about that!). Hopefully it will be a while before that happens... but just so you guys have something to look forward to. Oh well... off to start my lazy day.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 4, 2007
22 weeks
I started to feel the babies kicking late last week... I felt it just a couple times... my hands happened to be on my belly when it happened... well tonight they are very active and Chris felt them kicking too... so exciting!!! It is such a weird feeling... no words can discribe it..... its just AMAZING!!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
So I am 20 weeks and 1/2 way through my pregnancy... well realistically more the half way through since twins like to come on avaerage 3 weeks early. I have decided I am more than likely getting a c-section since with twins there are tons of risks with natural birth and even if A comes out naturally B may still need a c-section. Plus then I know exactly when I will be delievering and I can prep better for it and parents can get into town, since this is the first (and second) grandchild on both sides. No one who doesn't know me believes that I am carry twins at 20 weeks. I guess I am smaller than they expect me to be. I was pretty skinny to begin with (not thin... but not over weight) and I am 5'11 so I guess I hide it well. The boys are doing well, I feel movements every now and then. They are fairly active.
Sleeping isn't a problem yet. Sometimes it takes a minute to get comfertable and I take my time rolling over because if I turn or bend funny it can get uncomfertable. I have woken up on more than one occassion with pains in my legs (i call them charlie horses.. but i guess some people never heard that term). Morning sickness has been gone for a while. I really didn't do that badly for having twins. Once a day a couple times a week. I was doing well for even one baby. I am getting tired of working. I am ready to just stay home and get ready for the babies and count down the days/weeks till I get to hold them. But I am going to work as long as I can. Though I think I may talk to Chris about stopping work at the beginning/middle of May so I have time to do things and also relax before they get here. That's assuming I am not put on bed rest.
Still working on names. I think we have chosen middle names. The first boy out gets the middle name Schubert, which is Chris's middle name, as well as his dad's, grandfather's and great grandfather's. So its a family name. The other boy gets the middle name Jeffrey. Which is my dad's first name. That way both sides of the family are represented. I am still getting a list together of real contenders for first names.
Monday, February 19, 2007
It's a Boy... and another Boy!!!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
19 week belly shots
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Baby A waving

Both A and B

Baby B profile