Tuesday, January 30, 2007
we are happy, excited and scared all rolled into one, still in shock but very excited. I have my normal 4 week check up on the 12th, we may find out the sex of our babies, if not we go to the hospital for another sonogram on the 15th and we should know by then. We are oing to be seeing a lot of the babies since I will be getting sonograms and ultra sounds done regularly to make sure both of the babies are sharing the food and nutrients and oxegyn equally. I am 17 weeks and after 34 weeks if I go into labor the doctors wont stop it so I am offically 1/2 way through my pregnancy especailly because twins more often than not come early (by average of 4 weeks early). Here is my belly at 17 weeks

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Well I am in complete shock even though it has been many hours since I heard the news. They have to rerun the tests because yes the level of AFP was high for one baby... but we aren't having one baby... we are having IDENTICAL TWINS!!!!So the technician was scanning my belly and after a minute or two paused, looked at my paper work and looked back at the screen. Now I thought I saw two heads... however I am not trained and couldnt tell a head from a butt so I had no idea what I was seeing. The technician than asks me how many babies I thought I was carrying and I responded 1, knowing imediately that wasn't the correct answer anymore. So SURPRISE we are having twins, identical twins. Don't know the gender yet, but from the sonogram everything looks really good. I am sure the test will come back fine the second time around. The babies names are offically right now Baby A and Baby B. Baby B is much more active and was moving around a lot during the sonogram, B waved and turned around and even mooned us. still a little too early to determine gender, so we still have to wait for next month.
Baby A waving

Both A and B

Baby B profile
Baby A waving

Both A and B

Baby B profile

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
As you all know last week I had some blood test taken for down syndrome and spina bifida. The Down Syndrome test is fine but the SB test came back with a "at higher risk" result. I am going to the hospital tomorrow for an emergancy detailed sonogram to make sure everything is alright. It could be absolutely nothing, there are plenty of things that could cause a higher reading, the AFP (which is what they tested) is higher at the end of the first trimester and it comes down during the second, so it could still be high from that, it could be due to twins (wouldn't that be a fun surprise!). So we are still feeling good about what could happen tomorrow, if there is a spinal issue it could be so small and insignificant or it could be something larger, we won't know till tomorrow morning. The good news is that since they are doing a detailed sonogram with lots of technology stuff, they are looking at the spinal cord and all organs closely, we may find out the sex of the baby tomorrow (lets keep our fingers crossed). So everyone say prayers for a good outcome and I will update you as soon as I can.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Had a doctors appointment today. I have gained a healthy pound and 1/2 since my last check up (4 weeks ago). Haven't had morning sickness is over a week (but I think the last episode was due to stress last weekend). Baby's heartbeat is a nice, steady and strong 160. I had to give up some blood today, only one vile which isn't bad compared to the 8 I had to give up the first time. The blood will be used to run tests for spinabifida and down syndrome. Hopefully everything will come up normal and healthy. We are offically on count down to learn the sex of the baby. My next doctors appointment is Mon Feb 12. Chris and I both get to go in and see the baby again, and hopefully if the baby is facing the right way we will be able to add a pronoun to our vocabulary (He or She!) If you wish to make an offical guess you have till Sunday Feb 11. I am hearing both boy and girl guesses. I have looked at some old wives tales and even took an online test, which says it is 52% likely to be a girl and 47% likely to be a boy (where is the other 1%?). So its almost split down the middle evenly.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy 2007!!!
Well its offically 2007. Last night was very uneventful. I was in bed by 10:30. Chris came up right about midnight to give me a kiss. Spent yesterday shopping with my mom for maternity clothes. Bought TONS of clothes, including a black dress I am going to wear Saturday night for Chris' company party. 2007 is going to be a very interesting year, I am going to have our baby THIS year! In 6 more months to be more exact. I am 13 weeks, as of yesterday. Everything going well. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year!
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