Went back to the doctor's yesterday. Everything looks much better. I spent Tuesday with my feet up the entire day, I think the most physical thing I did was take a shower and make dinner. My blood pressure was back down, my blood tests came back normal, I still have swelling and those fabulous 8 pounds i put on in two weeks, but other than that I am doing well. The boys are very active (We have some kicking going on right now), their heart beats are good and they are sharing their fluids nicely. Even though everything looks good I stopped working as of yesterday. Dr. Y said to remove stress that may cause my blood pressure to rise again, plus Chris and I were talking about it and since I really need to be off my feet a lot it would either be me work 12 hours a week and then come home exhusted and miserable and spend most the time inbetween working recovering, or stop working and pitter patter around the house doning a couple small chores a day and taking it easy. Chris really left it up to me, but I figured I would be more useful and last longer if I stopped working. Yesterday after my Dr. appointment I bought my Thank You cards for my baby shower, and picked up some groceries... I have been craving cupcakes and fruity slushy type drinks. Went home and vegged out, took a nap for a couple hours, folded some laundry (Chris brings it upstairs and i leaves it on the bed for me so I dont have to lift or carry it up stairs). and watched a bunch of tv.
So... I got my baby shower invite in the mail.... let me tell you how "special" it is. So apparently my baby shower is a big secret. I know the day and time and that I go to my mom's house... but I know nothing else about it. So to keep me completely out of the loop they made me my own invite.
It says
"Roses are red
Violets are blue
you're not having one,
your having 2"
On the front it has baby stamps all over it and a hot pink string attatched to it (yes they know i am having boys) and dog bones punched out of it.. apparently in the set of punch outs stamps they got it came with dog bones and they didn't want to let it go to waste.
The inside of the card says
What: Your Shower.... DUH
When: Saturday April 28 @1pmPlace:
YOUR MOM (No really it's at her house)
BYOF: Bring your own fetuses
RSVP: By 4/20 to Courtney or you're uninvited
Now I know that a couple of my friends are "Secretly" helping out with the shower. I love you girls. Just make sure I get one of the real invites so I can scrapbook it.... don't worry my invite will get a special page in my pregnancy book.
Anyways... things I am going to do today:
Nap (I didn't sleep well last night)
Go to Guard practice (I do need to get out of the house every once in a while)
Fold laundry
Do dishes (I made cupcakes yesterday... yummy!!)
Wipe down the bathroom
Watch TVSuch a rough day!!
Oh and to my DC friends, If/when I get put on bedrest feel free to skip work and come visit me. We can watch sappy cheesy movies, play board games and sit on my deck drinking virgin margharitas. (Maureen already is all about that!). Hopefully it will be a while before that happens... but just so you guys have something to look forward to. Oh well... off to start my lazy day.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
So I am 25w1d and since Saturday I have been getting swelling in my hands and feet and legs. I got it randomly in my hands on saturday while i was sitting in the blechers at the competition. I shook it out and it was gone within like 15-20 minutes. Yesterday after lounging in the recliner for almost 2 hours i got up to wash dishes, took off my engagement ring (i leave my wedding band on but take off my e-ring when washing dishes and what not). after washing dishes i couldn't get it back on my hands were swollen again. This morning i woke up and my hands and feet were swollen and it hurt to walk for a bit. Hung around the house with my feet up till chris came back from his dentist appointment then i went off to work (they are painting the walls). Also noticed that I habe gained almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. After work I called my mom and she said I should run it by my doctors. Called and left a message with the receptionist and got a call back about 10 minutes later. Told the nurse what was going on and she said she would call me right back after running my info with a doctor. Got a call back saying to come in immediately. So off Chris and I went to the doctors. My urine came back fine (no protien build up). I have gained 8 pounds since my last doctor's visit 12 days ago. My blood pressure isn't bad, the top number was fine but the bottom number was higher than normal for me, so that did concern the doctor. The babies are fine, their heart beats are a good strong number, and we saw them for a few minutes being very active with plenty of fluid around them. Gave up some blood for testing. I go back in on Wed. for my normal appointment and we will have test results back on what exactly could be going on. Right now it's just swelling (but she used a fancy word for it), but they are going to watch me like a hawk now because it can turn into pre-eclampsia. I have to put my feet up even more now and cut back my hours at work even more.. i am only working 12 hours a week... so yeah... down to like 8 or so. I am not on bed rest YET... however I will probably be on house arrest soon, meaning I can move around the house (not cleaning or doing anything strenuous) and leave the house on rare occassions, like dr. appointments. But the babies are fine and i wont know any more till wed. morning.
Friday, March 23, 2007
I am quickly approaching 25 weeks (as of sunday) and that means I am 13 weeks and counting (or less if they decide to surprise me). My back is hurting as is my butt.... but that may have a correlation to walking. I walked to Panera for lunch (had to get a tuna sandwhich cause it's lent and I like their tuna better than subway). So went to the other side of the mall. Plus I did a sit.. but it was one of my favorite customers and her twins, who are 13 months. Already took a shower when I got home... more like a soak... I may do it again soon. So completely tired as well. Only working 3 days a week.... but man is it killing me.. I think my last day may be april 20th.......
Monday, March 12, 2007
I am offically 23 weeks and 2 days pregnant (as of Tuesday). I have a Drs appointment Wed. for a sonogram and normal check up. I am feeling tons more moving in my belly nowadays, Chris catches a feel every now and then, they like to move when I am resting... they were moving at work... but I don't like to share my belly to much so I kept the moving and shaking to myself.... I am selfish like that. I am feeling great... minus being tire all the time. I am stepping down the week after next as Assistant Manager of the store, I will no longer be salaried. Probably work 4 hours a day 4 days a week, and not on weekends either. I just have no energy and it's getting uncomfertable to do photo sessions. I am kind of hoping my doctor encourages me to quit working all together, but not on bed rest, there is so much housework that has to be done. I now weigh in at 175, by far the heaviest I have ever been. People still don't believe that I am now almost 6 months pregnant with twins.. but I am 5'11 and slender so I hide it well. Here are some pictures that Kim took of me at work.... everyone gets to practice maternity posing on me... I am not showing as well as I do standing up. but here are the photos

Sunday, March 4, 2007
22 weeks
Had another doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. I am 21 weeks and 3 days along. From here on out I will be going to the doctors every week or two, depending on whats going on. Fun! Saw the babies briefly just to check their hearts out and to make sure everything looks good. They were moving around a lot... so cute as usual. My weight and blood pressure is good. Saw Dr B. we briefly discussed birthing options, I said we were pretty sure we were just going to do a planned C-Section, since there are risks no matter how you slice it. Nothing is set in stone yet (though I am pretty much set on it) but if/when I get a C-section they will schedule it for Monday June 25th. So as of now the latest my boys will be born is June 25th. That is providing they stay in my belly and don't decide to show up on their own schedule.
I started to feel the babies kicking late last week... I felt it just a couple times... my hands happened to be on my belly when it happened... well tonight they are very active and Chris felt them kicking too... so exciting!!! It is such a weird feeling... no words can discribe it..... its just AMAZING!!!!

I started to feel the babies kicking late last week... I felt it just a couple times... my hands happened to be on my belly when it happened... well tonight they are very active and Chris felt them kicking too... so exciting!!! It is such a weird feeling... no words can discribe it..... its just AMAZING!!!!

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