We don't have much to update. We were going to post 2 new pictures this weekend... but Mommy went out of town to a baby shower in Va Beach (we are supposed to send a shout out to all the nice ladies she met down there!) for Aunt Courtney so we had to wait till she got home. So two pictures below are of us at N&G's house last week and our first birthday present... BEAN BAG CHAIRS!!!!!!! We love climbing all over them and sitting on them.... Mommy and Daddy have enjoyed having something to lean against while sitting in our baby jail.... which possibly has a new name thanks to Uncle Stephen... since we are no longer babies... have we mentioned our 2nd birthday is on Saturday? Uncle Stephen came up with the name "Play Penitentiary"... get it?? It's like a big play pen/jail.... we thought it was funny. Anyways... G&G came down to help daddy take care of us this weekend... and it was a yucky weekend to go out and play, though we did get a nice walk in with Daddy yesterday. Hopefully next weekend is nice for our birthday.... have we mentioned Saturday is our birthday??