Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Not much going on with us. Trying to stay cool in this heat! Nate is currently working on getting potty trained and Alex is considering it. We got new shoes on Saturday and spent Father's Day at the park with Daddy. Still loving daycare and our teachers, Nate has moved to the 3 year old room and his teachers are now Ms. Teresa, Mr. Greg and Ms. Ashley, Alex should be joining him soon... once he stops dumping milk on the ground. That's about it, here are some new videos. Pictures to follow in the next few days of some of our recent outings!

Look what Mommy taught me to do!!!! (it's ice tea btw!.... YUM!!)

Alex dancing

Nate on the playground

Our infamous haircut - Nate's Turn

Monday, June 14, 2010

before and after

Notice anything different??? Nate on the left and Alex on the right!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Do You Know The Muffin Man??????

We know the muffin man and WE LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
We had the egg in baked good challenge today AND WE PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!
We ate a whole blueberry muffin (made with extra egg) today over a 3 hour period and didn't even have 1 single hive!! So excited!!!!
So what does this mean for us?? Well we get to eat cake, brownies, muffins and of course Mommy's famous chocolate chip cookies we have been hearing all about, plus some other baked good yumminess. However we have to slowly work up to other good things like pancakes, waffles, and french toast cause they tend to have a bit more egg in them... and we can't eat straight egg or things like mayo or meringue yet either. But hey cookies and cake and muffins sound good to us :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cribs are for BABIES!!!!!

Guess what we got last weekend.... BIG BOY BEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - sorry the pictures are so small.. but they get bigger if you click on them, we are having issues uploading our pictures directly tonight

Here is Nate in his crib one last time
From 2010-05-28

And Alex in his
From 2010-05-28

And now here is our new bedroom -
From 2010-05-29

And Nate in his big boy bed -
From 2010-05-29

And Alex in his big boy bed -
From 2010-05-29

We didn't do badly, the first night Nate fell asleep after a little running around in our room, luckily Mommy and Daddy left us some books to read. Alex however was very upset and finally passed out in Baby Jail at 1030 and Mommy carried him back upstairs. The next night was easier, we were both asleep by 9, and now we are back to our normal sleeping habits on our big boy beds.

Also Nate offically moved to the 3 year old room on Tueday and Alex is sill hanging out with some of our friends in the older 2 year olds room, he just needs to learn not to dump milk on the floor while our friends are trying to drink it.

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!