So Mommy put us upstairs for a nap, Nate slept and Alex didn't...
that's another story... but after Nate woke up we looked outside and it was WHITE!!!!!! What the????? snow was everywhere??? So Mommy spent well over 10 minutes getting us bundled up and then took us out on the deck for probably about 5 minutes. We saw Miss Erika and Jacob and Sofie in their house.. nice and warm. Anyways here are some pictures from earlier this month/
today's snow.. which was the first time we actually went outside and got to play in it.. though Alex was not liking the cold outside so he hung on to Mommy's legs the whole time... which made it difficult for Mommy to get pictures of him. Nate however was walking everywhere and loving it!!!!!
Nate pushing the chair around

Alex being cold

Nate running around
Nate by the grill
Alex hanging on to Mommy

How Pathetic am I??

Alex crawling around the deck a little

Nate stomping around the deck
Our cats
Alex Nov. 8

Alex is so big! Nov. 8
Us in the big chair Nov 8
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