Could we have been any busier??????
So as you Friday was play with Sofie and Jacob and Miss Erika as well as Miss Jeanette day.... yesterday was Aquarium with Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben day!!!! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN...... Some of us would have had MORE fun if we had decided to nap.... :ahem: Nate..... So Nate didn't nap at all before we went to the aquarium and he didn't get to run around as much as he would have liked... Alex was fairly content with being carried every where... there are no strollers allowed in the aquarium. We saw TONS of fish.... as well as sharks, sting-rays, dolphins, birds, sloths, and a tarantula... very cool! We also walk a little bit around the Inner Harbor and saw a bunch of boats.... Uncle Ben steered the stroller like a mad man... but it was fun. Then it was back home for dinner and bed. We were exhausted! But do you think we slept through the night? Of course not... Alex woke up right as everyone was going to bed (Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben spent the night) which was about 1130ish and didn't go to bed till almost 2... poor Mommy was rocking him trying to get him to fall asleep in her arms so he wouldn't cry when she put him down and disturb our guests.... luckily when she did finally put him down... even though he wasn't completely asleep he only fussed for a minute.
This morning Daddy ran us around outside and we saw Sofie and Jacob as well as the other set of twins that live two houses down. But we stayed inside most of the day because it has been very hot out.
*BREAKING NEWS* Alex just hit a HUGE milestone that Miss Cheryl his PT wanted him to do... Alex started walking on his own with no encouragement... walked up to the ball, picked up it threw it, kept walking, walked to the ball, bent down to pick it up again, kept walking and threw it... YAY he can balance himself enough to walk, bend over, pick something up and keep walking... AND throw it....... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And in the world of Nate... this weekend... his Godmama...Aunt Katie....whom Mommy loves with all her heart...... taught Nate to say "No-No"...... Mommy currently still finds it amusing... however she mentioned something about payback and it being a female dog.... not sure what that means... but there is a video on Aunt Katie's camera so when we get it we will definitely be posting it.
Ok dinner time. Yum!!! Pictures from this weekend can be found here -
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Happy Friday
So we had a very very busy day! We woke up, ate breakfast and played for just a little bit... then we had baths and went next door to play with Jacob and Sofie.. our twin friends. We had so much fun, we ran around their basement for a good hour and a half. Then it was home for a quick snack and a nice long and much needed nap. Then we woke up and had lunch and next thing we knew Mommy's friend Miss Jeanette was here and wanted to play with us. We played for a while and tackled her and Mommy and pulled some hair and bit them a bit... completely out of love of course! Then we went for a walk to the Snowball stand and hung out there for a little bit, we did get a couple bites of the icy treat and then it was back home for some more playing and eating... boy are we exhausted.
Tomorrow is another busy day. Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben are coming up for the weekend and we are going to the aquarium after our naps. YAY!!! We will post pictures from today and tomorrow hopefully on Sunday!
Oh and yesterday Miss Cheryl came by and Alex walked ALOT for her... and today he has been walking on his own more.... YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of time to practice tomorrow at when we see all the fishies!!
It is so rough to be popular!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to donate to Mommy's team for the March of Dimes - March for Babies... we are hoping that one day ALL babies will be born healthy.
Tomorrow is another busy day. Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben are coming up for the weekend and we are going to the aquarium after our naps. YAY!!! We will post pictures from today and tomorrow hopefully on Sunday!
Oh and yesterday Miss Cheryl came by and Alex walked ALOT for her... and today he has been walking on his own more.... YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of time to practice tomorrow at when we see all the fishies!!
It is so rough to be popular!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to donate to Mommy's team for the March of Dimes - March for Babies... we are hoping that one day ALL babies will be born healthy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
We finally got the laptop cord back from Nana's and Grandad's... so we just posted Easter pictures here - - enjoy!
And as of this morning Mommy is only $505 away from reaching her $2000 goal for her March of Dimes - March for Babies walk on May 3rd. If you want to help Mommy reach her goal go here - - every dollar helps!
More later.. it's nap time before Miss Cheryl comes for PT
And as of this morning Mommy is only $505 away from reaching her $2000 goal for her March of Dimes - March for Babies walk on May 3rd. If you want to help Mommy reach her goal go here - - every dollar helps!
More later.. it's nap time before Miss Cheryl comes for PT
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rain Rain go away
Well it was BEAUTIFUL this weekend.. and boy what a busy weekend it was as well. Saturday Mommy left super early to head to Virginia to start getting things ready for Aunt Courtney's baby shower which was on Sunday. Later in the morning Daddy packed us up to head down and see everyone who came in from out of town for the shower. Our Great Aunt Marsha came down again and she brought her daughters/Mommy's cousins Sara and Aimee down as well, so we got to meet them for the first time. Also Nana's best friend since high school Miss Diane came down and we got to meet her, she and Great Aunt Marsha took us for a looooong walk and we had way too much fun pointing out all the cars we saw on the walk, plus a puppy came up to our strollers for a visit as well. Aunt Courtney stopped by with her best friend since 8th Miss Christine. It was so nice outside that Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd and Daddy and Miss Christine took us outside and ran us around while Mommy baked her famous cookies for the shower.
After Daddy ate dinner he took us home and we got to spend all day Sunday with him while Mommy was having fun at the shower. We went to the park and for a walk. The weather was still pretty nice.. unlike today.. it's rainy and a bit colder... but things are looking good for this weekend's big outing we are looking forward to. Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben are coming for a visit and are going to take us to the aquarium with Mommy and Daddy.... we know what fish are... they are yummy cheese crackers... as well as pictures in our books.. and sticks we eat for dinner sometimes... so we wonder which 2 of those we are going to see on Saturday.
Sorry we haven't posted Easter pictures yet... Mommy has been super busy getting ready for the baby shower.... and now you will have to wait a bit longer cause guess who left the laptop cord at Nana and Grandad's house... that's right.. Mommy.... so now we have to use the basement computer to hack into our blog to update.... so Wed. when we go visit Nana and Grandad Mommy will be able to plus her laptop in and charge up the battery and we will get those online for you then.
Also don't forget it's not too later to donate for Mommy's March for Babies walk... she is only $500 away from reaching her goal of $2000 for March of Dimes. The walk is May 3rd. For more info and to donate go to
Oh and big news from last week... Alex went down the stairs by himself back wards!!! GOOOOO ALEX!!!!!!!!!
After Daddy ate dinner he took us home and we got to spend all day Sunday with him while Mommy was having fun at the shower. We went to the park and for a walk. The weather was still pretty nice.. unlike today.. it's rainy and a bit colder... but things are looking good for this weekend's big outing we are looking forward to. Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben are coming for a visit and are going to take us to the aquarium with Mommy and Daddy.... we know what fish are... they are yummy cheese crackers... as well as pictures in our books.. and sticks we eat for dinner sometimes... so we wonder which 2 of those we are going to see on Saturday.
Sorry we haven't posted Easter pictures yet... Mommy has been super busy getting ready for the baby shower.... and now you will have to wait a bit longer cause guess who left the laptop cord at Nana and Grandad's house... that's right.. Mommy.... so now we have to use the basement computer to hack into our blog to update.... so Wed. when we go visit Nana and Grandad Mommy will be able to plus her laptop in and charge up the battery and we will get those online for you then.
Also don't forget it's not too later to donate for Mommy's March for Babies walk... she is only $500 away from reaching her goal of $2000 for March of Dimes. The walk is May 3rd. For more info and to donate go to
Oh and big news from last week... Alex went down the stairs by himself back wards!!! GOOOOO ALEX!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!!!! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! We did, we went to church then off to Nana's house where EVERYONE was.... Nana, Grandad, Pop-Pop, Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd, Uncle Stephen, Great Aunt Mary and Mommy's cousin Maya, Great Uncles Greg and Chris and Mommy's cousins Meghan and Rachel and even Miss Sara and Mr. Justin came with baby Mason. We had waaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun! Mommy took lots of pics but hasn't posted them yet... we will let you know when she does... cause we were looking quite handsome in our Easter outfits.
That's about all for now. Hopefully Mommy will get on the pictures by this afternoon, here is a sneak peak though... we did manage to upload one while she wasn't looking!

That's about all for now. Hopefully Mommy will get on the pictures by this afternoon, here is a sneak peak though... we did manage to upload one while she wasn't looking!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
March of Dimes
As you all know we were born at 26 weeks gestation, that’s 14 weeks too early! We are now happy and healthy and just celebrated our 2nd birthday. However it has been a long road filled with 4 months in the NICU at St. Agnes where we got wonderful treatment from some very loving nurses, including our favorite Miss Kelly and Miss Celeste. Even now we are still seeing an occasional specialist and weekly visits from physical and speech therapists. Mommy would give anything to be able to snap her fingers and stop premature births from occurring. She wouldn’t wish what we have been through on anyone, and we are the lucky ones who got to go home. While she can’t snap her fingers and make it better, she can walk in the annual March of Dimes walkathon – March for Babies and raise money so someone can find a way to prevent prematurity and other birth defects.
We all know the economy is less than fabulous, however ever dollar you can donate will make a difference and it could be your dollar that puts the March of Dimes over the edge and helps them figure this epidemic out. We are also looking for people to walk with us on Sunday May 3rd at Camden Yards in Baltimore, Maryland. Registration is at 8am and the 4-mile leisurely walk around Baltimore starts at 9. We will be there, being pushed by Mommy and Daddy and some of their friends. We went last year with our Aunt Courtney, who is now about 32 weeks pregnant with a little girl, and we had a blast, we even ran into some of our friends from the St. Agnes NICU. Last year Mommy raised over $1,000, please help her reach her very ambitious goal of $2,000.
To join us for the walk or to donate please visit Mommy's March for Babies website -
Now on to some fun things... our 2nd Birthday Pictures! FYI We posed ourselves!!!!
We all know the economy is less than fabulous, however ever dollar you can donate will make a difference and it could be your dollar that puts the March of Dimes over the edge and helps them figure this epidemic out. We are also looking for people to walk with us on Sunday May 3rd at Camden Yards in Baltimore, Maryland. Registration is at 8am and the 4-mile leisurely walk around Baltimore starts at 9. We will be there, being pushed by Mommy and Daddy and some of their friends. We went last year with our Aunt Courtney, who is now about 32 weeks pregnant with a little girl, and we had a blast, we even ran into some of our friends from the St. Agnes NICU. Last year Mommy raised over $1,000, please help her reach her very ambitious goal of $2,000.
To join us for the walk or to donate please visit Mommy's March for Babies website -
Now on to some fun things... our 2nd Birthday Pictures! FYI We posed ourselves!!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Here are the pictures from Mommy's camera from yesterday and this morning! Enjoy!!!
WE'RE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was our birthday... we our officially two year olds! We had such a crazy busy day. Mommy was up at 3:30 cause it was really windy outside and she couldn't go back to sleep. So she heard Alex wake up at about 4 and Nate was up at 5, so after she heard we were both awake she came in to our room and got us. We were just so excited it was our birthday. We opened our gifts from Mommy and Daddy (a kid's digital camera... very durable.. we already tested that out! and some books.. plus our swings we got a couple weeks ago) Then Mommy and Daddy packed up the car and we headed to Nana and Grandad's for our birthday party. We got there, ran around, opened more gifts and then took a short nap. When we woke up it was just about time for our birthday party. It was much smaller than last years big party....but still a lot of fun. Nana, Grandad, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Uncle Stephen, Grandma and Grandpap, Pop-Pop, Aunt Helen, Uncle Bill, Aunt Heidi and Uncle Dave, Aunts Katie, Maureen and Laura and Uncles Ben and Bryant were all there..... oh yeah and Mommy and Daddy... and our favorite puppy Felix was even there. So our family and god parents.... fun crowd. We ate pizza and a special cake mommy made us. We got soo many gifts we havent even opened half of them.
Mommy will upload pictures later when she gets a moment... currently she has no voice and is whispering.... we think its funny.
Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes.
Don't forget that Mommy is trying to raise money for the March of Dimes walk she is doing in a month. If you would like to help support us raising money to help all babies be born healthy please click the link to your left or go here - - every dollar helps!
Mommy will upload pictures later when she gets a moment... currently she has no voice and is whispering.... we think its funny.
Thanks everyone for your birthday wishes.
Don't forget that Mommy is trying to raise money for the March of Dimes walk she is doing in a month. If you would like to help support us raising money to help all babies be born healthy please click the link to your left or go here - - every dollar helps!
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