Monday, July 27, 2009

Mmmmm baked goods!

So we didn't actually get to eat these due to our egg allergy but Mommy posted pictures and recipe of her Pate a Choux she made for Nana, Grandad, Uncle Steve, Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd last night when we all hung out at Nana and Grandad's house. -, we had tons of fun over there... we didn't nap, but enjoyed the new books Nana bought us, including I Spy and some number and color books and a book all about cars. We got to visit with our cousin Kerrington and we both gave her kisses and patted her on her head... gently of course.

We just had PT, our new therapists Laura and Kathy, they are so impressed at how we are doing. Especially with our attention span and how well we point to things in books.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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