Monday, January 4, 2010

HAPPY 2010!!!!!


We have had a whirlwind of a few weeks, but we are finally home now. This past weekend was spent back at Nana and Grandad's so they could watch us while Mommy and Daddy went to ring in the new year and hang out with their friends... 3 nights in a row!!! We reminded them each morning that it's a tough price to pay when you are out all night... so we gave them a few 5:00 wake up calls. This morning we were nice and let them sleep in. Also this weekend we got our hair cut, so we are looking super cute again... not that we didn't look cute before... but.... we are just that much cuter!

We have tons of videos to share and we are still waiting on Mommy to upload them. Hopefully later today or tomorrow everything will be up to date.

So it's Jan 4... that means our birthday is only 3 months away!!!! 3 months to 3 years!!! Can you believe what big boys we are becoming?

HERE is all of our new pictures taken this past weekend

And as some of you may have noticed... in the last patch there were pictures of our garage and basement looking less than fabulous... well Aunt Courtney came over last week and helped Mommy out with her problem. Here are the before and after photos

The garage... now you know why the little car had to be buried under 2 feet of snow!

Daddy's desk area

The other side of the basement

Daddy's desk area
AFTER - Daddy's desk area

AFTER - the other side of the basement

AFTER - The garage... however Aunt Courtney would like it pointed out that the big pile of stuff in the middle of garage is no longer there, we were just waiting for the van to come back so we could load it up to go to Nana's house for storage.

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