Just another reason to donate to the march of dimes.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Another Preemie
So Kerri has a new cousin..... NO Mommy didn't have a baby..... Uncle Todd's Brother Mr. Chris and his wife Miss Ellen welcomed their 3rd son Nicolas on Thursday. However he was born just a little too early. His Mommy's water broke earlier in the week while she was 33 weeks pregnant, and she was lucky and did such an awesome job keeping him in her belly till he was 34 weeks along. YAY!!!!! So he is chilling in the NICU, but not as seriously as we were.. for now... still being watched. Hopefully he won't have to stay in the hospital very long before he gets to go home and meet his big brothers Nate and Seth. To find out more go here - http://kerringtonsadventures.blogspot.com/
Just another reason to donate to the march of dimes.
Just another reason to donate to the march of dimes.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
More Nicu Videos
Here are some more of those oh so thrilling NICU videos.... we were so boring... I dont know why everyone was all excited and overemotional about us..... what's that... oh.. right... yeah I guess we were way too small... but we were still freaking adorable!
Alex sleeping @ 12 days old
And Nate having some twitching issues at 1 month old
Wouldn't it be great if one day babies this size would still be in their Mommies??
Alex sleeping @ 12 days old
And Nate having some twitching issues at 1 month old
Wouldn't it be great if one day babies this size would still be in their Mommies??
Sunday, February 21, 2010
March for Babies
So we are over 1/4 of our way to our big goal as you all know..we have raised $1,060 so far and our team as a whole has raised $2,130. GO US! Big thanks to everyone who has donated so far. We don't care how much you donate $5, $10, $50, $100 whatever you can do is a big help.
Mommy went through her old lap top and found this video of the very first time she got to hold Nate. He was A MONTH OLD!!!! But look how tiny we were. Oh and what Mommy is actually doing is called Kangaroo Care - she would put us right up against her chest so we were skin to skin and it would help us bond with her as well as keep us warm... since we were too small to even keep ourselves warm
Mommy went through her old lap top and found this video of the very first time she got to hold Nate. He was A MONTH OLD!!!! But look how tiny we were. Oh and what Mommy is actually doing is called Kangaroo Care - she would put us right up against her chest so we were skin to skin and it would help us bond with her as well as keep us warm... since we were too small to even keep ourselves warm
Lots to say.
So the strangest thing happened yesterday morning. We went to bed, and while we hadn't seen daddy all day Friday cause we slept in a bit and were in bed before he got home. We know he drove off in this beautiful sport little car (Mommy's OTHER baby)
When we woke up Saturday morning and looked outside that fabulous car we dreamed of driving our future girlfriends in was replaced by this -
Now while it is a beautiful blue car.... and we must say very comfy and even has 2 brand new car seats in it..... we don't know... we just can't believe it! First Mommy gets a job and we go into day care and now we have 2 sensible cars.... how crazy is that?? Oh well Mommy and Daddy seem happy with the new car and we can actually ride in it so... no complaints here!
Now today Mommy brought some snow in from outside for us to play with... and play we did. Here are some pictures and a video to prove it!

Mommy building a snow man... Alex is trying to help with a "hat"

So Nate got a little crazy today and filled his arms up with Mr. Potato head parts, his arms were so full he even put a piece in his mouth... again there is video and photos to prove it!

Now today Mommy brought some snow in from outside for us to play with... and play we did. Here are some pictures and a video to prove it!
A little out of order.. this is our "after shot"
Mommy building a snow man... Alex is trying to help with a "hat"
So Nate got a little crazy today and filled his arms up with Mr. Potato head parts, his arms were so full he even put a piece in his mouth... again there is video and photos to prove it!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
oh btw
Want to help us hit 1st place??????? You know what to do... you know want to!
Want to help us hit 1st place??????? You know what to do... you know want to!
Busy Week!
So we went to daycare 3 days in a row! THAT'S A RECORD! We have tomorrow off and get to visit Nana and Grandad. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our teacher's name is Miss Michelle, she is super nice. A typical day for us looks like this:
9am - arrive at daycare and check in
915 - morning snack
930 - morning announcements and dancing time
10-12 - play time and circle time
12 - lunch
1230 - 3 nap time
3 - snack time
and then we play till mommy comes and gets us.
Today Alex got to go to the big trash can with Miss Michelle just as Mommy was pulling up so she walked to the dumpster with them as well.
So we are still raising for March of Dimes. Have you donated yet? http://www.marchforbabies.org/twadsquad
Oh and here is an old video Mommy found of us in the NICU - 3 months old! Nate is whiny and Alex doesn't seem to care -
9am - arrive at daycare and check in
915 - morning snack
930 - morning announcements and dancing time
10-12 - play time and circle time
12 - lunch
1230 - 3 nap time
3 - snack time
and then we play till mommy comes and gets us.
Today Alex got to go to the big trash can with Miss Michelle just as Mommy was pulling up so she walked to the dumpster with them as well.
So we are still raising for March of Dimes. Have you donated yet? http://www.marchforbabies.org/twadsquad
Oh and here is an old video Mommy found of us in the NICU - 3 months old! Nate is whiny and Alex doesn't seem to care -
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Nate's new trick
First of all... HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Secondly - We are 1/4 of the way to our $4,000 goal so please help us by donating at http://www.marchforbabies.org/twadsquad
And Finally.... Here is Nate's new trick. He can do it better when OTHER people aren't distracting him... or when he isn't eating markers. ENJOY!
Secondly - We are 1/4 of the way to our $4,000 goal so please help us by donating at http://www.marchforbabies.org/twadsquad
And Finally.... Here is Nate's new trick. He can do it better when OTHER people aren't distracting him... or when he isn't eating markers. ENJOY!
Friday, February 12, 2010
some videos
So we would like it to be noted that its nearly noon and we haven't seen the snow plow yet. Daddy was supposed to go to work this morning and Mommy needs to stop by her office to pick up some work to do over the weekend. PLUS more importantly Grandma and Grandpap are on their way down for a visit!!!!!
Anyways. We are going a little stir crazy so here is us yesterday outside and what our neighborhood STILL looks like!!!
Anyways. We are going a little stir crazy so here is us yesterday outside and what our neighborhood STILL looks like!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snowed in Photos
Hey Everyone.... we are so please to report that there is life on this strange snow covered planet. We actually got to go outside today and ventured over to Jacob and Sofie's house to play, thanks to Mommy and Daddy carrying us over the nearly 2 feet of snow still on the ground. And no... we haven't seen a plow since this past weekend.
And we are now automatically uploading pictures to THIS website as we put them on to the laptop. So enjoy all the photos. Here are just a few

Alex in the very bright sunlight

The snow pile behind us is just the sidewalk.... and that's the "small pile".. up by the house its over 6 feet high... Daddy can't even see over the pile
And we are now automatically uploading pictures to THIS website as we put them on to the laptop. So enjoy all the photos. Here are just a few
This was our house as we saw it when we pulled in on Monday from our weekend away. Big thanks to Mr. Michael for making the partial path.
Our house in the middle of the blizzard
Alex in the very bright sunlight
The snow pile behind us is just the sidewalk.... and that's the "small pile".. up by the house its over 6 feet high... Daddy can't even see over the pile
Also we have raised over 10% of our goal for the March of Dimes. So don't forget to donate..... seriously... what are you waiting for??? It's so easy even Kerrington can do it!
Also BIG congrats to our friend Mason who is now a big brother. His sister Valerie was born on Monday and made it home before the blizzard. Great timing!!!!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Here are some videos from the past few days, including one that Mommy took this morning out in the snow.
Snow removal on route 66 (the vienna/nutley exit)
Alex throwing a birthday party for his friends
Nate draws an apple all by himself
An almost 360 degree view of the neighborhood. (Mommy's camera died before she finished turning around)
Snow removal on route 66 (the vienna/nutley exit)
Alex throwing a birthday party for his friends
Nate draws an apple all by himself
An almost 360 degree view of the neighborhood. (Mommy's camera died before she finished turning around)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We survived!
We had so much fun at daycare and did so well! We even took naps, we played with our friends and had lunch and snacks and then Mommy came. She seemed to have fun at work today too.
Surpise Surpise it's starting to snow again. Mommy's office is already closed for tomorrow, so we get to play at home with her tomorrow... YAY!!!!! Maybe Mommy will take us out in the snow and lets us.... um..... get lost in it.... cause that's probably we will be able to do in it... let us do some math. If there was already 30+ inches of snow on the ground.... and we are supposed to get another 12+ inches..... that's 42+ inches..... i guess we can find out if we are close to 4 feet or not :)
pictures and videos should be posted tomorrow. But for now it's bath time and bed time.
Surpise Surpise it's starting to snow again. Mommy's office is already closed for tomorrow, so we get to play at home with her tomorrow... YAY!!!!! Maybe Mommy will take us out in the snow and lets us.... um..... get lost in it.... cause that's probably we will be able to do in it... let us do some math. If there was already 30+ inches of snow on the ground.... and we are supposed to get another 12+ inches..... that's 42+ inches..... i guess we can find out if we are close to 4 feet or not :)
pictures and videos should be posted tomorrow. But for now it's bath time and bed time.
Monday, February 8, 2010
We are still here
We survived the big snow storm of 2010. We were at Nana and Grandad's house the whole time..... Mommy and Daddy went to the beach. We have tons of pictures and videos of the roads that Mommy took while they were coming home. We also had our first experience with Daycare... BTW Mommy now has a new job which was supposed to start today.... but apparently people are still snowed in... so in theory she goes in tomorrow and we are off to day care 4 days a week. Oh and Mommy works for the best company in the world. The March of Dimes..... she is helping to orgainze the big walk... which we are still trying to raise money for... don't forget to donate!
More later, we are exhuasted! We will let you know how our first full day of Daycare goes once it happens
More later, we are exhuasted! We will let you know how our first full day of Daycare goes once it happens
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Videos for now... pictures coming later today. We are off to the hospital for our semi-annual NICU follow up in a few minutes. We are hoping to see some familar faces while we are there.
But for now......
Nate jumping
And a couple of Kerri with our Great Uncle Bob
But for now......
Nate jumping
And a couple of Kerri with our Great Uncle Bob
Monday, February 1, 2010
March of Dimes
Look how silly our Mommy looks!!! Oh and we have more pictures and videos to post later today. And Nate jumped this weekend..... that's one of the videos. So check back later today to see if we got it posted. Oh and it snowed again this weekend. We are ready for spring time and warm weather!!
Click here to help me reach my goal!
Click here to help me reach my goal!
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