Monday, July 26, 2010

Belated AWESOME news!

So far behind on updating this.. sorry guys. Last week was so busy... and this weekend we were all sick, Nate started on Friday into Saturday, Daddy was Saturday in to Sunday, Alex was Sunday into Monday and Mommy was all day today, but she seems to be feeling better. Hopefully no one else gets the stomach bug we had... luckily it doesn't last too long and we felt great in between the times we... well.. when we weren't feeling great.

Anyways the big huge totally exciting news is Nate passed his peanut challenge last Tuesday!!!!!!! He ate peanut butter on crackers and absolutely LOVES it! So all that's left for allergies is to go back in December and eat straight egg, which we still can't eat... or Mayo or meringues... or quiche. But we get cookies and brownies and cake and lots of yummy stuff!

Oh and we got our pictures taken a few weeks ago... they are our official 3 year old pictures... just a little late. And the last one was super cool, we look like we should be in a jeans ad!

Nate on the left and Alex on the right



Alex in the front and Nate in the back!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Just a quick update

First of all, wish Nate luck. Tomorrow he is going back to the allergist to attempt to conquer the Peanut Challenge. If he passes he will be cleared for Peanuts and Peanut Butter and we will be allergy free! Wouldn't that be fun!!

This past weekend we went to Nana and Grandad's house and went swimming in their pool with Daddy and Grandad (Mommy was busy working all weekend on some application stuff) and Nate showed that he is a pretty good swimmer and can float on his back

Then later Nate decided Elmo needed to eat Muno.... poor Muno!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Here are some videos from this past week

Nate singing a couple songs

Nate jumping into the pool and you can hear Alex saying Mommy's name after Nana says it "Caitlin"

Nate washing Grandad's Car

Alex helping Grandad fly a kite

Nate vs the Matress

Washing our hands saying "soapy water outside... rubby rubby rubby"

Alex washing Grandad's car

Beach Pictures

Pictures from our week away with Nana and Grandad to the beach are up in this album

Also included are pictures of us hanging out with Katie, Ben and Sasha and helping Grandad wash his car before we left for the beach. Here are some of our favorites

Nate helping to wash the car... and by wash the car we mean wash everything EXCEPT the car!
From 2010-07-07

Alex just a little wet
From 2010-07-07

Nate and Mommy on the beach
From 2010-07-07

Us playing with Aunt Coco and Uncle Todd on the beach
From 2010-07-07

Kerri on the beach
From 2010-07-07

Uncle Todd and Kerri
From 2010-07-07

Us frolicking in the sand
From 2010-07-07

Grandad and Nate flying a kite
From 2010-07-07

Us the morning after we got home... totally exhausted!
From 2010-07-07

Monday, July 5, 2010

just a quick one

We are having way too much fun at the beach! Pictures will be up soon we promise! But we just wanted to let you know that we have been keeping track how many times we have peed in the potty since we got to Nana's house on Wed. And we mean the BIG toilet like Mommy and Daddy use.... here is our talllies so far -

Nate - 14
Alex - 1

Alex peed in the potty for the first time this morning. WAY TO GO ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok back to running around on the beach and collecting sea shells. Oh and hope everyone had a fabulous 4th of July. We celebrated by not taking a nap and going to bed early, but we heard there were some awesome fireworks outside on the beach... oh well maybe next year we can make it till it's dark outside!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Grandma's House we went!

We just spent the weekend at Grandma and Grandpap's house with Daddy. We took lots of pictures (which will be posted later) and some videos. We also saw our Daddy's cousin Josh marry the very beautiful Jackie... and our wedding gift to them was the fire department showing up at their wedding... Nate pulled the fire alarm during the reception. We left before the big show of all the trucks came but we know that it is a memory they will cherish forever!

We also went to the zoo and here are 2 videos from that -

Also when we got back and were eating dinner Muno made a mess with his food and Alex put him in time out.

We are now at the beach with Mommy, Nana, Grandad and Aunt Coco and Uncle Todd and Kerri will be here later tonight. So lots of pictures to come.

Also a very happy birthday to Aunt Katie!!!