Monday, July 19, 2010

Just a quick update

First of all, wish Nate luck. Tomorrow he is going back to the allergist to attempt to conquer the Peanut Challenge. If he passes he will be cleared for Peanuts and Peanut Butter and we will be allergy free! Wouldn't that be fun!!

This past weekend we went to Nana and Grandad's house and went swimming in their pool with Daddy and Grandad (Mommy was busy working all weekend on some application stuff) and Nate showed that he is a pretty good swimmer and can float on his back

Then later Nate decided Elmo needed to eat Muno.... poor Muno!

1 comment:

Great Aunt Helen said...

Hi! Thanks for the photos, you boys did great sitting for your third year pictures. Love, Great Aunt Helen