We had a fun 4th of July. We went to M/D's new gym they joined last week and for the first time got left in a day care setting. They did warn the first lady taking care of us that we like to bite and she took note... but apparently forgot to tell the other lady who came and played with us... Alex bit her shoulder. Nate also attempted to take a binky from another baby there... and when the lady asked Daddy if we had binkys we liked Daddy said that it wasnt a binky he wanted... he just wants what every one else has. We had fun and then we went to Nana's and Grandad's for lunch. We slept through half of it and headed home to get ready for our BBQ on Saturday.
Saturday a few of our friends came over and played with us. It's amazing how many big people can fit into our baby jail. There was at least 3 in there with us at a time. We were the center of attention.... like anyone doubted we would be.... not many pictures were taken.... Mommy was too busy not paying attention to us and hanging out with other people when they weren't paying attention to us (the nerve) but she did take one really cute picture of Nate wearing Jacob's hat.
yesterday we just played all day and had a normal day. Today we have P/T with Miss Sheryl and then we have to give blood for some tests. We have lots of doctors appointments in the next two week. Enjoy the photos!
Nate being cute... as ususal

Our new bathroom

Elephant tissue holder

Lion rug and trash can

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