Miss Celeste with her hands full

Miss Celeste holding Nate and a very tan Miss Kelly holding Alex

We have been to a bunch of doctors this week. So we will do a brief recap.
Tuesday we went back to High Risk Follow Up at the hospital so they could see how far we have come since our NICU days. We got to play with things while the doctor, her assistant and 3 med students looked on. We got to play with blocks, cups, crayons (Which we immediately tried to eat... and they were immediately taken away). We showed them our awesome crawling skills and found things they were covering with cloth. Nate almost took out a med student. He slipped by the 6 adults in the room and pulled on a cord and a small fan came flying off a shelf and just barely missed a med student. Nate is developing like a normal 12 month old baby... which is what old we should have been if we hadn't decided to arrive early. Alex is a little bit behind.. but no one seems worried... because its normal for twins to develop differently.
Wed. Alex got his 3rd new helmet. We don't know how long he will have to wear it... it looks just like his other 2 helmets.
We just got back from seeing Dr. Voit who is our surgeon. We had surgery in January to repair our hyperspasia and cordees. Alex's cordee is all better but he still has a hole under his man parts and that is apparently where most of his pee-pee comes out from... neat trick... but not good.. and Nate's cordee needs just a little fine tuning to make it straighter. So we both are going back in for surgery on our man parts on Wed. Sept 17. We really have no idea what that means because we weren't really paying attention we were flirting with the Dr's Assistant... she was funny.
We are exhausted.. so its time for our nap. Mommy is taking us on errand runs when we get up and then Grandma and Grandpap are coming in for the weekend. YAY!!!!!!!
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