Miss Sheryl and Miss Lori came yesterday for some P/T fun. We are both looking very good and they are impressed with how we are growing and developing. But before they came we had a bit of a rough morning. Let us preface it by saying Mommy has been sick with a cold since Friday afternoon. So we do our morning routine as usual, Mommy puts us upstairs so we can take a nap before P/T. We were upstairs for maybe an hour and hadn't fallen asleep yet even though we were really tired when...... well we won't say exactly what happened but lets just say there was a blood curdelling scream and Mommy walked in to find us standing up and Alex's finger in Nate's mouth. Have we mentioned we have a lot of sharp teeth. Luckily no blood was spilled but Alex was so upset and crying so hard he threw-up a little bit and had milk coming out of his nose, which only made him more upset. And of course this was at 11:00 and Miss Sheryl comes at 11:30. So Mommy calmed Alex down and while she was doing that he threw-up again... luckily in the bathroom on the floor. So Alex got a bath to help calm him down and then everything was good. Lets just say that after p/t we passed out for a good 2 hours.
Grandma finally sent pictures that she took and we posted a few of them. Enjoy!
This is self explanatory. This is what we usually look like.

I am adorable

Laughing at Grandma

Still adorable

Nate is such a poser

"I am going to bite you"

Nate hanging out out side with Grandpap
1 comment:
Cute!! As always. :)
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