We went down the beach for the first time on Wed. We played in the sand... ate the sand, sat in the ocean and we got carried into the ocean as well. We loved it!!!!!!!
We also have hung out in the pool every day... OMG so much fun!!!! We love to splash around, take every one's sunglasses off.
While we are on vacation we have been hard at work EATING!!!! Since Nana and Grandad watched us last weekend while Mommy and Daddy went off to Miss Katie's wedding we are eating 3 full meals a day!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! We both are kicking eatings booty!
However there is some bad news. Mommy and Daddy had to take Nate to urgent care Wed. night because he had a very crusty eye. Turns out he had an eye infection AND a DOUBLE ear infection. However no one knew about it because he was his normal self. So he is now on antibiotics.
We head home tomorrow. We are currently uploading all of our pictures onto our photo album. Check them out here - http://community.webshots.com/user/thetwaddles
Here is a sneak peek to wet your pallet

Crazy how kids can be totally themselves and have a double ear infection. Liam was always like that, the calm before the storm. We never knew when he was sick, so we carried a digital themometer with us everywhere just incase! Kids sure can tolerate pain way better than us adults! Hope Nate is back to his old self. Beware, when Liam was on his first round of antibiotics he got a mouth yeast infection. If you can give him some yogurt while he's taking the meds to replentish those good bacteria we need so much! If his mouth gets chalky you may have a case of yeast! Hope all goes well! Thank you for the great updates. Your boys are so beautiful!
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