Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a busy weekend this weekend. First of all yesterday we went to music class... AND MOMMY CAME WITH US! So you all know what that means... VIDEOS!!!!!!! They are short... but hey.... we finally got video.

After music class we went to Nana and Grandad's and guess who was there... go on... guess.... UNCLE STEVE!!!!!!!! We were so excited. Then Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerrington and Felix came over as well. We celebrated Nana's birthday a week early. Then today it was nice so we ran around outside with Mommy, Daddy, Jacob, Sofie and their Daddy Mr. Michael.

Alex and the drum

Nate and the drum

Nate reading at Nana and Grandad's house
Nate by the tree

Alex and Nate checking out the tree

Alex and the tree

Nate running around back

Alex running around back
Nate taking off like a plane


Daddy and Nate

Nate loves his Daddy!


Daddy helping Nate on the neighbors bike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaaaay music class!