Friday, October 23, 2009

Big Picture Update!

So we have been very busy little social butterflies. We will start with last week Friday. Mommy had an eye doctor appointment so daddy met up with us and took us out to lunch to a Mexican burrito place... yummy we had chips and cheese sauce!

Nate being a big boy at the restaurant
Alex waiting for Mommy
Saturday morning we went to our music class as usual and came home and had to clean up our baby jail cause we had company coming. It was the big Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech.... and while we wont talk about the outcome of the game..... it was a lot of fun. There was us (DUH) mommy and daddy, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerri, they even brought their dog Felix!, Aunt Katie, Miss Jeanette, Miss Erika and Mr Michael and they brought Sofie and Jacob and Aunt Mo came too. Lots of food and fun!

Aunt Courtney and Alex
Jacob and Nate in our kitchen

Daddy holding Alex and Kerri watching the game

Alex giving kisses to Kerri


Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerri and Felix spent the night and the next day we all went out o lunch at Red Robin... we had TONS of french fries, plus a grilled cheese sandwich. We were actually quite well behaved.... minus a bowl of goldfish that ended up on the floor.

Aunt Courtney and Alex

Daddy giving Nate a taste of iced tea

Nate drinking Milk... the good stuff!
Alex playing with his balloon he got when we left
Grandma and Grandpap came down on Sunday night and stayed till Tuesday while Mommy was in Milwaukee, we had tons of fun, we went to the allergist but their computers were down so we have to go get some blood work done (gulp!) to see how allergic we are to things. We haven't gotten any pictures from Grandma's camera yet... but when we do we will post them.
We have a bunch of videos to post... those will go up as soon as we can get them loaded on to youtube.

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