Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Weekend Pictures

Here are the pictures from the weekend.

We got our hair cut with Miss Jane on Friday morning. We both sat perfectly still. YAY go us!
Alex being a big boy
Nate needing a little bribing with a cracker

Daddy at the park being a big kid

Us playing at the park Friday afternoon

Nate being so strong

Climbing into the bar

Look Ma.... I'm Superman!

Aunt Courtney and Nate

Daddy and Alex looking at Felix getting excited over another puppy approaching

So Nate started to lay down and have a temper tantrum... So Daddy, Aunt Courtney and Alex laid down too.....So Nate decided how uncool it was to have a temper tantrum and walked away

Daddy Nate and Felix

Alex running after them

Aunt Courtney (Zoo Keeper), Kerri (some weird looking grey bear) and Felix (Zorro)

Our friend Mason - his Mommy and Daddy were Woody and Bo Peep from Toy Story

Aunt Mo "roller derby player", Mommy "Fortune Teller" and Aunt Katie "Doctor"

Daddy "Doctor McCoy" and Alex..... if you haven't heard... we didn't want to put our Captain Hook and Peter Pan costumes on.

Nate trying on Mommy's boot

Don't I look Fabulous?

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