Wed night we went to Nana and Grandad's house, we got there at 9 and everyone was already asleep. Mommy and Daddy attempted to get us to join the club but that just didn't happen. We were so excited about Thanksgiving that we were practically up the whole night, Mommy and Daddy must have been so excited as well cause they stayed up with us. Thanksgiving morning we hung out with Nana, Grandad, Great Uncles Greg and Chris, their daughters and Kerri while Mommy. Aunt CoCo, Uncle Todd and Uncle Steve went to run a 5k..... Daddy was supposed to join them but he had SO much fun the night before he went back to bed once Nana woke up. We were bored with our entertainment... and a little tired from our all-nighter, so we took an early nap.
After we woke up we spent the day playing with everyone. Miss Sara and Mr. Justin brought Mason over for dinner so we all got to play together. There were 6 kids under the age of 5 there. (1 almost 5 year old, 3 2 year olds, 1 1 year old and a 5 month old) We had so much fun chasing after each other.
Here is Mason contemplating what to do to Kerri

While we played upstairs the grown ups worked on dinner and setting the table.
The main table

The "Kids" table

Aunt CoCo and Great Uncle Greg SLAVING themselves in the kitchen
Alex chomping on a green bean

Nate eating turkey

The "kids" table

So after about 15 minutes of eating the adults were still talking and eating so Mommy put Elmo's World on and we were confined to a mini-baby jail.

Daddy Eating yummy food

Mommy and Grandad

The next day we went over the river and through the woods..... and over a mountain... and through some snow... and stuck in traffic.... and had an emergency of the upchuck variety..... anyways... we were on our way to Grandma and Grandpap's house for the remainder of the weekend.

Alex enjoying his "inflight" snack

Nate pointing out the snow

We got to Grandma and Grandpap's house fairly late, but the next morning we were up and moving and running around every where. We put our big jackets on and went outside and met their neighbors puppy "Chloe". She was so excited to see us.
Nate and Chloe

Alex hanging out with Grandpap away from the excitement

Alex getting a hat on

Grandpap is that you??

"Howdy Ma'am"

Nate wearing Grandpap's hat while Alex tries to break into the garage
1 comment:
Who upchucked? I projectile upchucked once coming home from grandma's on christmas eve having drank lots of orange soda (I was 12-ish). I hit my dad in the back of the head with it. Super pleasant. *hug*
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