Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Take 1

So in case you hadn't heard yet our birthday is exactly a week away!!!! WE WILL BE 3 YEARS OLD!!!!!! So we had our first of 3 parties yesterday, Grandma and Pap, Aunt Heidi and Dave and Great Aunt Helen and Uncle Bill all came down to celebrate with us and Mommy and Daddy. We got tons of gifts and clothes and M&Ms and Chocolate Cake (eggless of course!) and chips and BBQ, YUM!!!!!!!!!!!! Here are some of the photos, we will post more from Aunt Helen's, Aunt Heidi's and Grandma's camera when we get them.

Our YUMMY chocolate cake!!

Mommy decorated our baby jail!

Our theme for this party was "Curious George"

While Alex slept (Nate was too excited to sleep) Nate opened a gift which was these leggo blocks!

Mommy and Nate and a pretzel

Openning gifts

Mommy pulling up our pants while we rip open a gift

Alex doing a new train puzzle

Alex wearing his new shirt and eating a chip

Everyone watching "signing time" before bed

And us getting to blow out candles after everyone sings Happy Birthday to us!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for next weekend!

Nate & Alex said...
