So today started like any other day. We woke up, ate, played and napped. After our morning nap Mommy started to take our bathroom apart. She even took off wall fixtures like the towel rack and the cabinet. Mommy has done some pretty crazy stuff... but this takes the cake! Then she put blue tape all over the bathroom. Then she made the walls change color just by touching the walls with this big rolling toy thing. We will post pictures of what she did once she puts the bathroom back together.
However while Mommy was working her magic in the bathroom Daddy took some pictures of us. We didn't take our afternoon naps today we were so excited about what Mommy was doing to our bathroom.

Nate laughing at Mommy who was covered in paint

Our favorite toy.. Piccadilly, trying to help Mommy paint

Alex smiling so big

Alex and his monkey!

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