Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hey you found us. Awesome! Don't tell our Mom but we hacked into her laptop and set up this totally cool blog so we can tell you what's going on in our world. Most of you know our story but lets reminisce shall we.

We are Nate and Alex and we were born.... hang on lets go further back because it is funny. So M/D found out they were pregnant and went to the doctors to get their first ultrasound. We decided to play a little prank on them and one of us (we aren't saying who) hid behind the other one, so they thought they were pregnant with just one of us (suckers!) We were pretty nice to Mom, she didn't have much morning sickness, though she was incredibly tired all of the time. About 16 weeks into her pregnancy she got some sort of blood work done. The results freaked them out and Mom got sent to the hospital to get an emergency sonogram done. During said sonogram the technician was confused between what she was reading and what she was seeing, after a couple minutes of silence she finally asked Mom "How many babies did they say you were carrying?"... Our gig was up. However we did nearly give Dad a heart attack when the technician said "is that a 3rd one... never mind". Again we won't say who.. but somebody stuck their foot up twice while she was counting limbs. So the cat was out of the bag, there were two of us in there... we are just so awesome that the world needs two of us! A few weeks later they found our man parts and plastered our picture all over the Internet announcing they were having identical twin boys. We decided not to be too easy on Mom, so she started to get some serious pre-eclampsia. She was admitted into the hospital at 26 weeks, thinking she was going to spend the next 3 months stuck in a hospital bed. Boy was she wrong! On April 4th Alex went into distress and his heart rate plummeted (probably from the thought of eating that nasty hospital food for the next 3 months... YUCKY!) So about 6 minutes after that we came into the world, 14 weeks too early! We won't bore you with the details but lets just say we worried M/D, our grandparents, aunts and uncles, and all of our friends for the first few weeks. Finally after a 4 months stay at St. Agnes Hospital, a couple surgeries and lots of flirting with the nurses, we escaped the NICU.

Fast forward 10 months from that, we are now 14 months old, and still cute as can be. We have been in and out of doctors offices since we left the hospital but have never gotten sick, we even survived our first RSV/Cold and Flu season without even a sniffle. Lets update you shall we.

Alex -still has a helmet on to help shape his head and now he wears a funny eye patch to help his left eye get a little stronger, it's only for an hour a day. He just figured out how to get on his hands and knees and climb up on toys, cribs and gates. He has decided he doesn't like to eat solid foods and keeps his lips closed tightly, though if you trick him and he opens his mouth he eats it without a fuss (just being difficult and driving M/D crazy) however he drinks his bottles like a champ! Alex loves bath time, eating a good book and playing with plastic balls and rings, banging on his piano, styling his hair with food and cuddling with whomever holds him. Alex also loves to clap... especially when the Penguins score! He hates his vitamins, his eye patch, being tired or hungry (being both is the worst) and being put down in the play area right after getting up from a nap

Nate - is on the verge of standing on his own and walking. He also is being difficult in the eating solid foods department, but isn't as bad as his brother. Nate cruises along "baby jail" (our play area surrounded by a huge baby gate). He enjoys throwing toys on the floor, stalking our cat Piccadilly, taking toys from Alex, scrunching up his nose and snorting, climbing over whomever/whatever is in his way, standing on toys (or little brothers), and making messes. Nate hates not being the center of attention, when his brother wakes him up with his crying, being asleep when something is going on, sitting still when you want to change his diaper.

Oh and we are both massive flirts, we love anyone who will give us the time of day. We are true ladies men, chicks dig us, especially when we flash them our smiles, they go crazy over that stuff. We both also have a new found love of swimming pools.

We have a busy summer coming up, we can't wait to go to the beach and play in the sand... and get sand EVERYWHERE we can... we will probably eat some too.

Thanks for visiting, stop by often... we have plans on updating this as often as we can about our day to day activities.

Nate & Alex

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an awesome synopsis of what's happened over the past 14 months! I enjoyed reading you guys' blog immensely.


Nikki (one of your mom's friends via online)
(rolersk8ngrl on lj)