So we had a "first" moment. Mommy and Daddy took us out to dinner!!!!! We went to Carrabba's Italian Restraunt. We were on our best behavor and LOVED looking around at everyone. We got to sit right up at the table and eat puffs and bang on the table while M/D ate their food... which looked yummy.. but we didn't get to try any. Mommy took pictures and a video... but she is having trouble uploading it so it will have to be posted on our blog when she figures it out. The waitress said we were the best babies she has served, and we didn't even make much of a mess. Nate got excited and babbled loudly, Alex just sat there smiling. M/D said they would take us out to dinner again because we were so well behaved! YAY!!!! but next time they might not be so lucky!!

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