Friday, November 28, 2008


Holy Cranberry Sauce Batman! Thanksgiving is THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!!!!! Of course we have yet to sample the fare of ALL the holidays yet (27 days till Christmas!!) We spent the day playing with Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Grandad, Uncle Stephen, Great Uncles Greg and Chris and their daughters Megan and Rachel and Pop-Pop. We then took a nap and got ready for the big feast, we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, gravy, cranberry sauce and for dessert we got our very first taste of dessert.... some cherry pie. Can we tell you how AWESOME cherry pie is. We kept signing for "more" and we did get some more. Mommy took some pictures of the table and a really great photo of Daddy and us.... but then she got so excited she dropped the camera and broke it. So until we get home and she can put the camera on the computer through the printer... here are some photos she made Grandad take towards the end of eating our fabulous dinner.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!





Nate being blinded by the auto focus light on the camera

Alex's reaction to the auto focus light on the camera


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Goings Ons

While we would like to say that both of us a fabulous weekend visiting Grandma and Grandpap while they were here.... Nate unfortunately can't say that. He has had the worlds worst diaper rash since Thursday or Friday. It got really bad over the weekend. Everyone was giving him baking soda baths and putting so much stuff on his butt. He didn't want to poop so he has been prolonging it from healing.

Today however Alex had an eye appointment to check on how his eye is doing post-surgery. Dr W was so excited with how well everything looks, however his right eye is still stronger than his left so on weekends Alex has to go back to getting drops put into his right eye to help strengthen up his left. While we were there we ran into Dr L (our pediatrician) who was taking her kids to see Dr W. She chatted with Mommy who went into detail about Nate's butt and Dr L suggested giving him prune stuff and some oil to help move things along and make him poop so everything could heal. Since then some poop has come out but Mommy is convinced that there will be more coming out soon.

Tomorrow we are off to Nana and Grandad's for Thanksgiving. We are going down ahead of Daddy so Mommy can visit with Uncle Stephen, and Great Uncles Greg and Chris and her cousins Megan and Rachel. Rachel is about our age and Megan is almost 4, so it should be fun to play with them. Plus tomorrow Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd are stopping by for an over night visit before they go visit Uncle Todd's family. We hope they bring their dog Felix with them.

If we don't get to update before Thursday. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

SNOW and PICS!!!!!!!!

So Mommy put us upstairs for a nap, Nate slept and Alex didn't... that's another story... but after Nate woke up we looked outside and it was WHITE!!!!!! What the????? snow was everywhere??? So Mommy spent well over 10 minutes getting us bundled up and then took us out on the deck for probably about 5 minutes. We saw Miss Erika and Jacob and Sofie in their house.. nice and warm. Anyways here are some pictures from earlier this month/today's snow.. which was the first time we actually went outside and got to play in it.. though Alex was not liking the cold outside so he hung on to Mommy's legs the whole time... which made it difficult for Mommy to get pictures of him. Nate however was walking everywhere and loving it!!!!!

Nate pushing the chair around

Alex being cold

Nate running around

Nate by the grill

Alex hanging on to Mommy

How Pathetic am I??

Alex crawling around the deck a little

Nate stomping around the deck

Our cats

Alex Nov. 8

Alex is so big! Nov. 8th

Us in the big chair Nov 8th

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!!!!!

So we guess this is our first actual snow fall that we can appreciate. Given that our first official snow fall was the first few days of our lives while we were in incubators and couldn't see out the window (even though it was 80 degrees the day we were born.... yeah figure that one out!) And last winter we pretty much slept through and weren't focusing on anything. So.. YAY snow!!!!!! Its not really sticking, but it is fun to watch falling down outside. Course we are seriously easy to amuse right now due to lack of sleep.... thanks to Nate!

So last night at about 1030 Nate woke up crying. Not unusual. A diaper change and some water and he is back asleep. However, for whatever reason he didn't want to be in his crib last night, he didn't want to go to sleep either... but he was so tired. It was the epitome of pathetic. Mommy and Daddy were awake past midnight and he finally went to his crib with a bottle of milk and fell asleep at God knows what time. We were of course both up at 7am and a mess. Mommy pretty much marched us back upstairs at 8 with bottles of milk and we were both out by 9. So today has been an off day, and we are getting tired again. Hopefully its not another crazy night tonight.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Monday!

Sorry we haven't been able to update in about a week. We would have loved to, but Mommy was working hard on the computer all week. Don't know what she was up to, but she wouldn't let us on to update our friends on what has been going on with us.

We have enjoyed being healthy again. Lots of running around baby jail and throwing toys down the basement stairs. Wed. was our last play group/Mommy's last class. It was fun. Some of the other kids who are a little older than us were pretending to be dinosaurs and climbing under the table and we watched them and they were growling at us and stomping around. We thought it was HILARIOUS!

Thursday we went to Nana's and Grandad's we hadn't seen them in a while. We had tons of fun running all around their house. Nana took us to her piano and we had so much fun banging on it. We may be the next Mozart or Bach.

So this weekend Mommy went to Miss Laura's baby shower (Miss Laura is Alex's Goddada's wife) She is having a little boy after Christmas. So it was boys day in the house, we had tons of fun with Daddy. We went to the post office to drop off a big package for Mommy... it had something to do with her being at the computer all week. Yesterday Mommy brought up this HUGE thing. It turned out to be Dada's old keyboard. Mommy put it on the floor and we went nuts! Alex LOVED rocking out to the music that magically came out of it with out even touching it. Nate was all about the volume controls and buttons that controlled the rhythms and melodies, which involved sitting in the middle of the keyboard... but hey it's Nate... would we expect any less from him.

Today we are running some errands and getting showers.... we no longer take baths... unless Daddy does it. Mommy just sits us on our alligator shower pad and hoses us off. We are very good........... usually :)

Well time to go play and bang on things.

oh and

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

we're better!!!!!

We are back to normal finally!!!!! Not even a little cough any more. YAY!!!!!!!!

We had a fun weekend with Daddy and Grandma and Grandpap. Mommy was gone for most of the weekend at a marching band competition. But we got to go for walks and they read us stories and played with us.

Recently Alex has been working on his first word (minus mama and dada which neither of us say any more) "Cat". We love our kitty, she comes to play with us and doesn't mind us too much. We think she is so silly when she rubs up on our toys and scratches at the carpet.

Nothing really new to report. Since we have been feeling better we don't want to sit still for very long..... so off we go!!!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

sick.... but worse

So we went to the doctors twice within about 16 hours. Nate got pretty bad yesterday... he was breathing very heavy and he didn't even want to play... which if you know Nate.... that's not like him. He would just curl up in the play area with a monkey or a boppy and just layed there. So Mommy knew something was up, so we both got checked up and Nate has some sort of virus and is on a breathing machine every few hours to help clear out his lungs. We also are on a new antibotic to help finish clearing up our ear infections.

Today we went back in to get checked-up again and to see if Nate was improving. He apparently sounds much better. The nurse was checking us with the fun cold thing she puts to our chest and the other part she puts in her ears... she is so silly! So Nate is going to be on the breathing machine tomorrow only if he needs it and we may have to go back on Friday if we still aren't feeling well. Hopefully Alex won't get worse!

Oh and yesterday was November 4th... you know what that means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We turned 19 months old!!!! Oh and we got a new president. We wish we were a little more older so we can remember this very exciting and historical election. We followed it very closely all year long, especially since Grandad's 2nd favorite thing (after playing with us) is politics. Grandad's a little sad though because he liked the older guy with the grey hair, that and Nana says he is sick too :( We hope you feel better soon Grandad!!!! We got to go with Mommy to the polls and we ran into Mr. Ellis and his wife and kids (Mr. Ellis is the band director at the high school Mommy coaches guard at). We chatted with them for a bit and then breezed through. There were no lines and we were in and out within 5 minutes. We saw who Mommy voted for and the amendments she voted for... and while it is inappropriate to discuss that because it's no one's business..... well let's just say Mommy was very happy when we woke her up at 1am (we all went to bed early!) and she saw on the news who won.

So minus being sick and going to the doctors... yesterday was a fun day. Today everyone was feeling better. Nate wasn't 100% running around. But he did actually play with toys and walk around the play area. He even smiled and laughed. Alex is about the same. Hopefully tomorrow everyone will be much better... at least for Mommy's sake!

Oh and in case anyone was wondering!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy November!

Well we were big party poopers last night. We were in bed at 5:30 and didn't wake up till about midnight and then went back to sleep... all while Mommy and Daddy were at Aunt Courtney's and Uncle Todd's Halloween party. But let's back up and update everyone on our doctor's appointment.

Alex - 19lbs 4oz, 32in long. Yeah we know he dropped a little weight.. but to be fair last time he got weighed when he was sick he was fully dressed and on Monday they made him butt naked! As it turns out he has an ear infection in his left ear, his weight could be a little better but not too terribly worried yet because at least he is growing!

Nate - 21lbs 9oz, 31.5in long. Turns out he has a DOUBLE ear infection!!

Overall Doctor L was pleased with how we are doing... so much so that we are technically off formula... we say technically because Mommy and Daddy still has a ton of formula left so Dr. L said they can give us bottles of 1/2 formula and 1/2 whole milk... which we enjoy very much. YAY!!!!!! We also have been eating nothing but solid foods... YUM! We don't eat as much as we probably should, but we are getting better at it. We love cantaloupe.. oh and before bed we also get a bottle of Pediasure to give us extra extra calories.

So we have been busy. Miss Sheryl still comes every other Monday for P/T and one Weds we go to play group while Mommy learns how to help us talk. Miss Lori started coming every week to help fine tune some skills as well. We are very popular with the ladies.

We didn't go trick or treating since Mommy and Daddy went to the party, plus we can't eat the candy anyways, so we didn't wear costumes but we did get special shirts for Halloween. Next year we get to really go trick or treating and possibly eat some candy. Besides we haven't been feeling well so sleep was much needed to help us get 100% better. Our coughs are still minor and our ear infections don't seem to bug us.

Today everyone went to Aunt Courtney's and Uncle Todd's to celebrate Nana's birthday. We had so much fun running around and touching their dog Felix.

We should probably update you on what words we can "say"... we don't clearly say our words yet.. and we both know one word in sign language which is "more". We also can wave

Nate's words - light, cat, dog, in
Alex - cat & dog

We are currently uploading pictures from the farm and Mommy and Daddy's big night out.
Check out our webshots page later and look under the "Fall 2008" folder