Well we were big party
poopers last night. We were in bed at 5:30 and didn't wake up till about midnight and then went back to sleep... all while Mommy and Daddy were at Aunt Courtney's and Uncle Todd's
Halloween party. But let's back up and update everyone on our doctor's appointment.
Alex - 19lbs 4oz, 32in long. Yeah we know he dropped a little weight.. but to be fair last time he got weighed when he was sick he was fully dressed and on Monday they made him butt naked! As it turns out he has an ear infection in his left ear, his weight could be a little better but not too terribly worried yet because at least he is
Nate - 21lbs 9oz, 31.5in long. Turns out he has a DOUBLE ear infection!!
Overall Doctor L was pleased with how we are doing... so much so that we are technically off formula... we say technically because Mommy and Daddy still has a ton of formula left so Dr. L said they can give us bottles of 1/2 formula and 1/2 whole milk... which we enjoy very much.
YAY!!!!!! We also have been eating nothing but solid foods... YUM! We don't eat as much as we probably should, but we are getting better at it. We love
cantaloupe.. oh and before bed we also get a bottle of
Pediasure to give us extra extra calories.
So we have been busy. Miss Sheryl still comes every other Monday for P/T and one Weds we go to play group while Mommy learns how to help us talk. Miss Lori started coming every week to help fine tune some skills as well. We are very popular with the ladies.
We didn't go trick or treating since Mommy and Daddy went to the party, plus we can't eat the candy anyways, so we didn't wear costumes but we did get special shirts for
Halloween. Next year we get to really go trick or treating and possibly eat some candy. Besides we haven't been feeling well so sleep was much needed to help us get 100% better. Our coughs are still minor and our ear infections don't seem to bug us.
Today everyone went to Aunt Courtney's and Uncle Todd's to celebrate Nana's birthday. We had so much fun running around and touching their dog Felix.
We should probably update you on what words we can "say"... we don't clearly say our words yet.. and we both know one word in sign language which is "more". We also can wave
Nate's words - light, cat, dog, in
Alex - cat & dog
We are currently uploading pictures from the farm and Mommy and Daddy's big night out.
Check out our
webshots page later and look under the "Fall 2008" folder