Well we got our hair cut today. Unfortunately we wont get pictures up till next week. We have been so busy this week we haven't updated. Course there isn't much to update about except Mommy and Daddy enlarged our baby jail area. We have new gates so we have the whole back section of the house... minus the kitchen... unfortunately.
We are going to be at Nana and Grandad's house till Sunday but we will post pictures Monday morning.
Have a great weekend!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wow what a week!
So we have been so busy we haven't had much time to update. So here is the reader's digest of our past week.
Monday morning Mommy went to something called the dentist, so Daddy stayed with us till she got home. While Daddy was watching us Alex figured out how to sit down from standing in his crib... he even now does it on command. Daddy left for work and we took a nap while Mommy cleaned up our play area for P/T time. Miss Sheryl and Miss Lori came and played with us. For whatever we were in a mellow mood and didn't climb over everyone. Miss Lori brought bubbles and Alex thought they were the funniest things. After P/T Mommy loaded us up in the car and took us to N/Gs house. Grandad came home a day early from his boating trip with Great Uncle Bob just to play with us and hang out. Mommy had to go help Miss Katie get some stuff ready for her wedding next Saturday so we hung out with N/G and Great Uncle Bob all day. We had way too much fun running around with them. We even got to spend the night there and play with them for most of Tuesday as well.
Wed. we ran a bunch of errands with Mommy.
Yesterday Nate wasn't wanting to take a nap and when Mommy went up to get him out of his crib Piccadilly was in the room so Mommy put Nate on the floor. He got up and hung on to Alex's crib and then let goed and stood there for a second... then he took two steps and stopped... still standing... then took another step and fell... so he is officially "walking".. instead of just taking a step and falling. He will be running in no time.
This weekend we don't have much planned. Mommy needs to get a lot of stuff ready, Next Thursday we are going to spend the weekend at N/G's house while M/D go to Miss Katie and Mr. Ben's wedding. Then on Monday we get our eyes checked out and then that night we are off to the beach for a week with N/G, Pop-Pop, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Courtney and possible Uncle Todd. YAY!!!!!!!!!
Well we are exhausted!!!!!!!!!!! time for our nap
Monday morning Mommy went to something called the dentist, so Daddy stayed with us till she got home. While Daddy was watching us Alex figured out how to sit down from standing in his crib... he even now does it on command. Daddy left for work and we took a nap while Mommy cleaned up our play area for P/T time. Miss Sheryl and Miss Lori came and played with us. For whatever we were in a mellow mood and didn't climb over everyone. Miss Lori brought bubbles and Alex thought they were the funniest things. After P/T Mommy loaded us up in the car and took us to N/Gs house. Grandad came home a day early from his boating trip with Great Uncle Bob just to play with us and hang out. Mommy had to go help Miss Katie get some stuff ready for her wedding next Saturday so we hung out with N/G and Great Uncle Bob all day. We had way too much fun running around with them. We even got to spend the night there and play with them for most of Tuesday as well.
Wed. we ran a bunch of errands with Mommy.
Yesterday Nate wasn't wanting to take a nap and when Mommy went up to get him out of his crib Piccadilly was in the room so Mommy put Nate on the floor. He got up and hung on to Alex's crib and then let goed and stood there for a second... then he took two steps and stopped... still standing... then took another step and fell... so he is officially "walking".. instead of just taking a step and falling. He will be running in no time.
This weekend we don't have much planned. Mommy needs to get a lot of stuff ready, Next Thursday we are going to spend the weekend at N/G's house while M/D go to Miss Katie and Mr. Ben's wedding. Then on Monday we get our eyes checked out and then that night we are off to the beach for a week with N/G, Pop-Pop, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Courtney and possible Uncle Todd. YAY!!!!!!!!!
Well we are exhausted!!!!!!!!!!! time for our nap
Sunday, July 20, 2008
weekend update
Not a huge weekend like last weekend. Yesterday M/D took us to the mall to get Daddy some new clothes, then we went to BJs to stock up on diapers and formula, then off to Safeway to get groceries for M/D. Lots of playing time.. oh yeah and Nate took his FIRST and SECOND step... talk about an over achiever!! Two steps right out of the gate. Without holding on to anything Nate can now take a step or two... YAY!!!!! However M/D are in no rush to get us walking.
Today was a cleaning day for M/D... we just played and didn't want to take naps. We have a few busy days a head of us so don't expect to hear anything from us till Wed. Tomorrow morning we have Ms. Sheryl and Ms. Lori coming for P/T. Then we have to head down to Nana's house and hang out with her while Mommy helps Miss Katie do stuff for her wedding... which is a week from Saturday. Then we are spending the night at Nana's and on Tuesday Grandad and our Great Uncle Bob are coming home from their big boating trip and we are going to spend a few hours with them before heading home. So lots to do.
Oh and Alex is doing a great job of pulling himself up to standing.... he just hasn't figured out how to go back down to sitting... Mommy is working on that with him.
Hope everyone else has a great weekend and stayed out of the heat!!
Today was a cleaning day for M/D... we just played and didn't want to take naps. We have a few busy days a head of us so don't expect to hear anything from us till Wed. Tomorrow morning we have Ms. Sheryl and Ms. Lori coming for P/T. Then we have to head down to Nana's house and hang out with her while Mommy helps Miss Katie do stuff for her wedding... which is a week from Saturday. Then we are spending the night at Nana's and on Tuesday Grandad and our Great Uncle Bob are coming home from their big boating trip and we are going to spend a few hours with them before heading home. So lots to do.
Oh and Alex is doing a great job of pulling himself up to standing.... he just hasn't figured out how to go back down to sitting... Mommy is working on that with him.
Hope everyone else has a great weekend and stayed out of the heat!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
15 month update
Well Mommy kept us pretty busy yesterday so we weren't able to update about our doctors appointment. Yesterday we drove down to Virginia for Alex's helmet appointment, but Nana and Grandad were busy so Mommy just swung by there house to feed us and then off to the appointment and then we went straight home. Once home we got another snack and then off to the gym so mommy could work out and we could have some fun. We were so tired when she picked us up but we didn't go right home because Mommy had to pick up some stuff to make dessert. Now we know this is hard to believe... we are still amazed ourself... but life did exist before us and Mommy and Daddy have been married for 3 years... yesterday was their anniversary. So when we finally got home it was bed time so we didn't have time to update yesterday.
So here is our update
Nate - 20lbs 9ozs, 30in long, 45.5 cm head - his butt is looking much better after Dr. L perscribed something for the yeast. He can stand up without holding on to anything for long periods of time, currently contimplating taking that first step without holding on to anything. Loves to throw toys and bottles over the side of his crib and the baby jail. Will climb over anything in his way. Has more energy than the enegizer bunny.
Alex - 18lbs 1oz, 29.5in long, 43cm head - pulls himself up into standing position all the time now, but hasn't figured out how to get down. Just learned big brother's trick of throwing toys over the baby jail. Loves to bite anything and anyone. Is now crawling like a champ. Loves to sit and look at books. Loves to give hugs and cuddles.
We have to make an appointment to see an ear specialist to get a hearing test done, just to make sure everything is alright. We also need to get more blood drawn to test for other food allergies.
Time for our morning nap.
So here is our update
Nate - 20lbs 9ozs, 30in long, 45.5 cm head - his butt is looking much better after Dr. L perscribed something for the yeast. He can stand up without holding on to anything for long periods of time, currently contimplating taking that first step without holding on to anything. Loves to throw toys and bottles over the side of his crib and the baby jail. Will climb over anything in his way. Has more energy than the enegizer bunny.
Alex - 18lbs 1oz, 29.5in long, 43cm head - pulls himself up into standing position all the time now, but hasn't figured out how to get down. Just learned big brother's trick of throwing toys over the baby jail. Loves to bite anything and anyone. Is now crawling like a champ. Loves to sit and look at books. Loves to give hugs and cuddles.
We have to make an appointment to see an ear specialist to get a hearing test done, just to make sure everything is alright. We also need to get more blood drawn to test for other food allergies.
Time for our morning nap.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Quick weekend recap
Just a quick weekend update. It was not a fun one. Even though G/G came to visit and play with us, Nate had a diaper rash that went from bad to worse to a yeast infection... ouchie! But Daddy and Grandma called Great Aunt Helen (Mommy went to a bachelorette party for the weekend for Miss Katie) and she told them what to do and its looking much better. Sunday morning Grandma and Daddy then decided that we needed to try eggs for the first time.... bad idea... turns out we are allgeric to eggs. Alex broke out worse than Nate, Daddy called the Drs office and was told to give us Benedryl. That helped a lot.
Mommy came home and everything has been fine since than. We have our 15 month appointment tomorrow so expect a big update tomorrow night or Wed. morning.
Mommy came home and everything has been fine since than. We have our 15 month appointment tomorrow so expect a big update tomorrow night or Wed. morning.
Friday, July 11, 2008
What do you get when you mix yogurt and twins??
A big mess!!!! Mommy was trying to give us yogurt for the first time today... we really just wanted to play with it... however Nate thought it was delicious. He was trying to drink it. Mommy gave up and let us make a mess and play with it... She took some video but will have to post it later because she has a lot to do.
Nate showing off his goatee


Mommy said Alex reminder her about a scene from "There's something about Mary" we dont get it

Another shot of Alex's new-do
Nate showing off his goatee


Mommy said Alex reminder her about a scene from "There's something about Mary" we dont get it

Another shot of Alex's new-do

Big Update
So first and foremost. Our highlight this week was going back to the NICU where we spent 4 months hanging out. We visited our favorite nurses, Miss Celeste and Miss Kelly. We got there and neither of our nurses were in the NICU, Miss Kelly was getting lunch and Miss Celeste was helping another baby on a different floor. So we hung out with some of our other favorite nurses and waited. Finally Miss Kelly made it back and we got to climb all over her and play with her badge. We were there for about 40 minutes and no sign of Miss Celeste and we were getting hungry and tired. So we decided to head out and come back another day to visit with Miss Celeste. We were leaving and got to the elevator just as the doors were closing.. so we had to wait for it to come back. We were there a good couple minutes waiting.. but wouldn't you know it... Miss Celeste stepped off the elevator. So back into the NICU we went to spend a few minutes with all the nurses again. We had so much fun and Mommy took a few pictures of us.
Miss Celeste with her hands full

Miss Celeste holding Nate and a very tan Miss Kelly holding Alex

We have been to a bunch of doctors this week. So we will do a brief recap.
Tuesday we went back to High Risk Follow Up at the hospital so they could see how far we have come since our NICU days. We got to play with things while the doctor, her assistant and 3 med students looked on. We got to play with blocks, cups, crayons (Which we immediately tried to eat... and they were immediately taken away). We showed them our awesome crawling skills and found things they were covering with cloth. Nate almost took out a med student. He slipped by the 6 adults in the room and pulled on a cord and a small fan came flying off a shelf and just barely missed a med student. Nate is developing like a normal 12 month old baby... which is what old we should have been if we hadn't decided to arrive early. Alex is a little bit behind.. but no one seems worried... because its normal for twins to develop differently.
Wed. Alex got his 3rd new helmet. We don't know how long he will have to wear it... it looks just like his other 2 helmets.
We just got back from seeing Dr. Voit who is our surgeon. We had surgery in January to repair our hyperspasia and cordees. Alex's cordee is all better but he still has a hole under his man parts and that is apparently where most of his pee-pee comes out from... neat trick... but not good.. and Nate's cordee needs just a little fine tuning to make it straighter. So we both are going back in for surgery on our man parts on Wed. Sept 17. We really have no idea what that means because we weren't really paying attention we were flirting with the Dr's Assistant... she was funny.
We are exhausted.. so its time for our nap. Mommy is taking us on errand runs when we get up and then Grandma and Grandpap are coming in for the weekend. YAY!!!!!!!
Miss Celeste with her hands full

Miss Celeste holding Nate and a very tan Miss Kelly holding Alex

We have been to a bunch of doctors this week. So we will do a brief recap.
Tuesday we went back to High Risk Follow Up at the hospital so they could see how far we have come since our NICU days. We got to play with things while the doctor, her assistant and 3 med students looked on. We got to play with blocks, cups, crayons (Which we immediately tried to eat... and they were immediately taken away). We showed them our awesome crawling skills and found things they were covering with cloth. Nate almost took out a med student. He slipped by the 6 adults in the room and pulled on a cord and a small fan came flying off a shelf and just barely missed a med student. Nate is developing like a normal 12 month old baby... which is what old we should have been if we hadn't decided to arrive early. Alex is a little bit behind.. but no one seems worried... because its normal for twins to develop differently.
Wed. Alex got his 3rd new helmet. We don't know how long he will have to wear it... it looks just like his other 2 helmets.
We just got back from seeing Dr. Voit who is our surgeon. We had surgery in January to repair our hyperspasia and cordees. Alex's cordee is all better but he still has a hole under his man parts and that is apparently where most of his pee-pee comes out from... neat trick... but not good.. and Nate's cordee needs just a little fine tuning to make it straighter. So we both are going back in for surgery on our man parts on Wed. Sept 17. We really have no idea what that means because we weren't really paying attention we were flirting with the Dr's Assistant... she was funny.
We are exhausted.. so its time for our nap. Mommy is taking us on errand runs when we get up and then Grandma and Grandpap are coming in for the weekend. YAY!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
New Video
So Mommy caught us playing together. Alex was attacking Nate who was attacking his Horton Elephant. Alex was getting so excited when he saw Mommy. Tomorrow Alex gets his 3rd new helmet and we get to visit with Nana and Aunt Courtney!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
4th of July update
Well we finally have pictures of our new bathroom.. including the lion trashcan and elephant tissue holder than was back ordered online... but Mommy found it at target yesterday.. so she bought them and cancelled her order. YAY!!! our bathroom is complete!!!! (see pictures below).
We had a fun 4th of July. We went to M/D's new gym they joined last week and for the first time got left in a day care setting. They did warn the first lady taking care of us that we like to bite and she took note... but apparently forgot to tell the other lady who came and played with us... Alex bit her shoulder. Nate also attempted to take a binky from another baby there... and when the lady asked Daddy if we had binkys we liked Daddy said that it wasnt a binky he wanted... he just wants what every one else has. We had fun and then we went to Nana's and Grandad's for lunch. We slept through half of it and headed home to get ready for our BBQ on Saturday.
Saturday a few of our friends came over and played with us. It's amazing how many big people can fit into our baby jail. There was at least 3 in there with us at a time. We were the center of attention.... like anyone doubted we would be.... not many pictures were taken.... Mommy was too busy not paying attention to us and hanging out with other people when they weren't paying attention to us (the nerve) but she did take one really cute picture of Nate wearing Jacob's hat.
yesterday we just played all day and had a normal day. Today we have P/T with Miss Sheryl and then we have to give blood for some tests. We have lots of doctors appointments in the next two week. Enjoy the photos!
Nate being cute... as ususal

Our new bathroom

Elephant tissue holder

Lion rug and trash can
We had a fun 4th of July. We went to M/D's new gym they joined last week and for the first time got left in a day care setting. They did warn the first lady taking care of us that we like to bite and she took note... but apparently forgot to tell the other lady who came and played with us... Alex bit her shoulder. Nate also attempted to take a binky from another baby there... and when the lady asked Daddy if we had binkys we liked Daddy said that it wasnt a binky he wanted... he just wants what every one else has. We had fun and then we went to Nana's and Grandad's for lunch. We slept through half of it and headed home to get ready for our BBQ on Saturday.
Saturday a few of our friends came over and played with us. It's amazing how many big people can fit into our baby jail. There was at least 3 in there with us at a time. We were the center of attention.... like anyone doubted we would be.... not many pictures were taken.... Mommy was too busy not paying attention to us and hanging out with other people when they weren't paying attention to us (the nerve) but she did take one really cute picture of Nate wearing Jacob's hat.
yesterday we just played all day and had a normal day. Today we have P/T with Miss Sheryl and then we have to give blood for some tests. We have lots of doctors appointments in the next two week. Enjoy the photos!
Nate being cute... as ususal

Our new bathroom

Elephant tissue holder

Lion rug and trash can

Thursday, July 3, 2008
New Tricks
So We have a couple new tricks this week. The biggest and best one so far is that Alex figured out how to stand up on his own... well pulling himself up. He hasn't quite figured out how to take steps forward so he stands straight up.. but for just figuring it out yesterday thats not bad.

Nate also has a new trick. Today he figured out how to play basketball. See the video below... NBA here we come!
Also as promised here is (FINALLY!) the video from us eating out.
We will have pictures of our new bathroom up soon... Daddy still hasn't hung the medicine cabinet yet!

Nate also has a new trick. Today he figured out how to play basketball. See the video below... NBA here we come!
Also as promised here is (FINALLY!) the video from us eating out.
We will have pictures of our new bathroom up soon... Daddy still hasn't hung the medicine cabinet yet!
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