Daddy was feeding us dinner and Alex said a new word spontaneously...... when Mommy got back from the gym she got him to do it for the camera... it just took him a minute to say it again.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Weekend Update
We had a busy weekend this weekend. First of all yesterday we went to music class... AND MOMMY CAME WITH US! So you all know what that means... VIDEOS!!!!!!! They are short... but hey.... we finally got video.
After music class we went to Nana and Grandad's and guess who was there... go on... guess.... UNCLE STEVE!!!!!!!! We were so excited. Then Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerrington and Felix came over as well. We celebrated Nana's birthday a week early. Then today it was nice so we ran around outside with Mommy, Daddy, Jacob, Sofie and their Daddy Mr. Michael.
Alex and the drum
Nate and the drum
After music class we went to Nana and Grandad's and guess who was there... go on... guess.... UNCLE STEVE!!!!!!!! We were so excited. Then Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerrington and Felix came over as well. We celebrated Nana's birthday a week early. Then today it was nice so we ran around outside with Mommy, Daddy, Jacob, Sofie and their Daddy Mr. Michael.
Alex and the drum
Nate and the drum
Nate reading at Nana and Grandad's house
Jacob and Sofie,
Uncle Stephen,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Big Picture Update!
So we have been very busy little social butterflies. We will start with last week Friday. Mommy had an eye doctor appointment so daddy met up with us and took us out to lunch to a Mexican burrito place... yummy we had chips and cheese sauce!
Alex waiting for Mommy

Aunt Courtney and Alex
Jacob and Nate in our kitchen

Daddy holding Alex and Kerri watching the game

Alex giving kisses to Kerri


Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerri and Felix spent the night and the next day we all went out o lunch at Red Robin... we had TONS of french fries, plus a grilled cheese sandwich. We were actually quite well behaved.... minus a bowl of goldfish that ended up on the floor.
Aunt Courtney and Alex

Daddy giving Nate a taste of iced tea

Nate drinking Milk... the good stuff!
Alex playing with his balloon he got when we left
Nate being a big boy at the restaurant

Saturday morning we went to our music class as usual and came home and had to clean up our baby jail cause we had company coming. It was the big Virginia Tech vs Georgia Tech.... and while we wont talk about the outcome of the game..... it was a lot of fun. There was us (DUH) mommy and daddy, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerri, they even brought their dog Felix!, Aunt Katie, Miss Jeanette, Miss Erika and Mr Michael and they brought Sofie and Jacob and Aunt Mo came too. Lots of food and fun!

Aunt Courtney and Alex

Daddy holding Alex and Kerri watching the game

Alex giving kisses to Kerri


Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd, Kerri and Felix spent the night and the next day we all went out o lunch at Red Robin... we had TONS of french fries, plus a grilled cheese sandwich. We were actually quite well behaved.... minus a bowl of goldfish that ended up on the floor.
Aunt Courtney and Alex

Daddy giving Nate a taste of iced tea

Nate drinking Milk... the good stuff!

Grandma and Grandpap came down on Sunday night and stayed till Tuesday while Mommy was in Milwaukee, we had tons of fun, we went to the allergist but their computers were down so we have to go get some blood work done (gulp!) to see how allergic we are to things. We haven't gotten any pictures from Grandma's camera yet... but when we do we will post them.
We have a bunch of videos to post... those will go up as soon as we can get them loaded on to youtube.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Updating soon... we promise!
Sorry we haven't updated in more than a week. We have been busy comforting Mommy, our Great Grandma H passed away on Thursday (Grandad's Mommy)..... so we have been reading lots of books.... plus Mommy took the laptop with her to Milwaukee for the funeral... but we will have pictures and videos and updates tomorrow... hopefully before our naps.
Mommy, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd and Uncle Stephen with Great Grandma H at Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd's wedding June 2003
Mommy, Aunt Courtney, Uncle Todd and Uncle Stephen with Great Grandma H at Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd's wedding June 2003

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What's Cooking?
So we got a very early Christmas present yesterday and Mommy and Daddy put it together and we got to play with it after our PT today..... in a few minutes we are going to go to the store with mommy to "Accessorize it" because it diidn't come with any food or dishes.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Well our very first cold and flu season we managed to skirt by with not even a sniffle...... our second one we may have been sick two or three times....... this season... we have been sick 3 times and we aren't even through October yet.. WHAT GIVES PEOPLE?!?!?
We have had runny noses and coughs all week... we were supposed to have a play date with Miss Jeanette... but Mommy cancelled it :( oh well... maybe next week or so!
Not much else going on here. Keep your fingers crossed we go to music class in the morning!
We have had runny noses and coughs all week... we were supposed to have a play date with Miss Jeanette... but Mommy cancelled it :( oh well... maybe next week or so!
Not much else going on here. Keep your fingers crossed we go to music class in the morning!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bath Time
Sunday, October 4, 2009
March of Dimes
Hi everybody. Nate and Alex's Mommy here. I just saw this article on the front page of CNN.COM - - and it absolutely broke my heart and reminded me how blessed, lucky, fortunate... however you want to describe it.... we are that we have BOTH Nathaniel and Alexander here with us today. Nate and Alex were born at 26 weeks.... 14 weeks before their due date... nearly 3 and 1/2 months early! That's an ENTIRE trimester!!
Last year I (with your much appreciated help) personally raised over $2000 and was #5 top walker in the Baltimore 2009 March for Babies. I know that the 2010 walk is still at least 7 or 8 months away, and the March of Dimes hasn't even released websites for teams yet to start raising money for it. But I have already decided to set my goal huge this year. I am hoping to raise $4,000 this year. $1,000 for every month my boys were in the NICU fighting for their lives. I know we can do it together.
So here is what I am asking for you. Let's truly make this year a "March of Dimes". I know last year a lot of you wanted to help me reach my goal, but the "wonderful" economy didn't allow you to. This year I am asking you to do what I did last year, throw your spare change into a jar. If you put even just a dime every day aside for the next 7 months, that over $20. And that's just for a dime a day.... imagine how much it could be if you threw in a few quarters, and nickles, and pennies.... plus a dollar or two you find in your winter coat when you pull it out as it starts to get colder. Last year I counted my change (and cash) Chris and I had thrown into a jar by my front door, and it was well over $100. Some days I would be wanting Starbucks, but instead of spending $3 on a coffee, I would go home and drop a couple dollars into the jar. Every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar helps.
Please pass this blog entry on to EVERY one you know, moms, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters, in-laws, friends, co-workers, church members, classmates, neighbors, your favorite Great Aunt Martha (hi Aunt Martha!), post it on Facebook, myspace, twitter, your blog, everywhere and anywhere you can. Also - just made yet another new blog, because this one and my baking isn't enough apparently - please come follow my progress to reach my incredibly high goal at - Thank you so much for your support as well as all the constant love, prayers and well wishes that get sent out to my two wonderful sons!
Last year I (with your much appreciated help) personally raised over $2000 and was #5 top walker in the Baltimore 2009 March for Babies. I know that the 2010 walk is still at least 7 or 8 months away, and the March of Dimes hasn't even released websites for teams yet to start raising money for it. But I have already decided to set my goal huge this year. I am hoping to raise $4,000 this year. $1,000 for every month my boys were in the NICU fighting for their lives. I know we can do it together.
So here is what I am asking for you. Let's truly make this year a "March of Dimes". I know last year a lot of you wanted to help me reach my goal, but the "wonderful" economy didn't allow you to. This year I am asking you to do what I did last year, throw your spare change into a jar. If you put even just a dime every day aside for the next 7 months, that over $20. And that's just for a dime a day.... imagine how much it could be if you threw in a few quarters, and nickles, and pennies.... plus a dollar or two you find in your winter coat when you pull it out as it starts to get colder. Last year I counted my change (and cash) Chris and I had thrown into a jar by my front door, and it was well over $100. Some days I would be wanting Starbucks, but instead of spending $3 on a coffee, I would go home and drop a couple dollars into the jar. Every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar helps.
Please pass this blog entry on to EVERY one you know, moms, dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters, in-laws, friends, co-workers, church members, classmates, neighbors, your favorite Great Aunt Martha (hi Aunt Martha!), post it on Facebook, myspace, twitter, your blog, everywhere and anywhere you can. Also - just made yet another new blog, because this one and my baking isn't enough apparently - please come follow my progress to reach my incredibly high goal at - Thank you so much for your support as well as all the constant love, prayers and well wishes that get sent out to my two wonderful sons!
Nathaniel a few days old
Friday, October 2, 2009
Grandparents, Pop-Pop, Doctors... oh my!
What a busy week we have had! Tuesday night we went to Nana and Grandad's house with Mommy and spent the night. Wednesday morning we went to Pop-Pop's again and visited him with Mommy and Grandad. This time they got smart and locked us into our strollers... though we did get to climb on Pop-Pop and his wheel chair... and we attempted to play with the tv, phone, remote controls, sink, toilet.... you know... the usual.

Grandad and Alex at Pop-Pop's

Pop-Pop holding Alex and Nate checking out the wheel chair!


Yesterday Grandma came to visit us and while she was here Mommy took Alex to a head specialist from Johns Hopkins University to see why his head is so small. They met Daddy at the doctors office and Alex had tons of fun exploring the exam room. He was such a good boy and didn't get into too much trouble, though he did try to throw away Mommy's car keys a couple times. But it was good news all around. Nothing is wrong with his head medically, he will probably just have a smaller than average sized head due to the helmet and just being a small guy.
Alex checking out the exam room
So word on the street is that Grandma is here for the weekend and Grandpap is on his way into town as well. YAY! We will have lots of fun.... as long as it doesn't ran.... oh and who turned on the chill? Mommy has been pulling out long sleeved shirts and sweaters and our long pants. Does that mean it's almost Christmas?
Nana and us reading one of our favorite books! "I Spy"

Grandad and Alex at Pop-Pop's

Pop-Pop holding Alex and Nate checking out the wheel chair!


Yesterday Grandma came to visit us and while she was here Mommy took Alex to a head specialist from Johns Hopkins University to see why his head is so small. They met Daddy at the doctors office and Alex had tons of fun exploring the exam room. He was such a good boy and didn't get into too much trouble, though he did try to throw away Mommy's car keys a couple times. But it was good news all around. Nothing is wrong with his head medically, he will probably just have a smaller than average sized head due to the helmet and just being a small guy.
Alex checking out the exam room

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