We promise pictures of our newly painted bathroom are coming. M/D are taking their sweet time putting it back together. They will be posted as soon as we can get them.
In other news Today our favorite P/Ter came and worked with us. We made a lot of progress. Nate decided he needed to show off and stood up for over 30 seconds at a time without hanging on to anything. Alex is getting better about sitting up from the laying down position, he just doesn't understand why he needs to do that if he is perfectly comfortable playing on his tummy, back and knees. He is however getting much better at really crawling.
Alex threw up on Mommy today. So they both had to shower and get a fresh change of clothes.. than Mommy had to do the floors in our play area and some of our toys. But he felt much better... he just ate a little too much.
That's about all for now. Time to go do some more playing!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Big Day Today! Part 2
So we had a "first" moment. Mommy and Daddy took us out to dinner!!!!! We went to Carrabba's Italian Restraunt. We were on our best behavor and LOVED looking around at everyone. We got to sit right up at the table and eat puffs and bang on the table while M/D ate their food... which looked yummy.. but we didn't get to try any. Mommy took pictures and a video... but she is having trouble uploading it so it will have to be posted on our blog when she figures it out. The waitress said we were the best babies she has served, and we didn't even make much of a mess. Nate got excited and babbled loudly, Alex just sat there smiling. M/D said they would take us out to dinner again because we were so well behaved! YAY!!!! but next time they might not be so lucky!!



Big Day Today! Part 1
This is going to be a 2 part post. The first part is all about the beginning part of our day with some pictures and then the second part will be in the next post.
So today started like any other day. We woke up, ate, played and napped. After our morning nap Mommy started to take our bathroom apart. She even took off wall fixtures like the towel rack and the cabinet. Mommy has done some pretty crazy stuff... but this takes the cake! Then she put blue tape all over the bathroom. Then she made the walls change color just by touching the walls with this big rolling toy thing. We will post pictures of what she did once she puts the bathroom back together.
However while Mommy was working her magic in the bathroom Daddy took some pictures of us. We didn't take our afternoon naps today we were so excited about what Mommy was doing to our bathroom.

Nate laughing at Mommy who was covered in paint

Our favorite toy.. Piccadilly, trying to help Mommy paint

Alex smiling so big

Alex and his monkey!
So today started like any other day. We woke up, ate, played and napped. After our morning nap Mommy started to take our bathroom apart. She even took off wall fixtures like the towel rack and the cabinet. Mommy has done some pretty crazy stuff... but this takes the cake! Then she put blue tape all over the bathroom. Then she made the walls change color just by touching the walls with this big rolling toy thing. We will post pictures of what she did once she puts the bathroom back together.
However while Mommy was working her magic in the bathroom Daddy took some pictures of us. We didn't take our afternoon naps today we were so excited about what Mommy was doing to our bathroom.

Nate laughing at Mommy who was covered in paint

Our favorite toy.. Piccadilly, trying to help Mommy paint

Alex smiling so big

Alex and his monkey!

Friday, June 27, 2008
Guess what we did today......
Well before we get to the funny part... today was hot so we didn't do much. However Mommy is going to be painting our bathroom this weekend so she brought us to Home Depot to look at colors.
It started to pour and we started to get fussy so Mommy joined us in Baby Jail and we both decided we needed to attack her. Nate tried climibing up her back and Alex tried going up her front. Mommy finally surrendered to our attacks and laid down. She grabbed Nate first and started making him fly on her knees. While Mommy was destracted with Nate, Alex came up and attacked her face. He had his mouth wide open and tried to bite whatever he could get, he didn't get a bite in.. but Mommy's face was covered in his saliva. Mommy put her guard up and continued playing with us keeping an especially close eye on Alex. About15 minutes later of rough housing with us Mommy apparently had put her guard down and while she was paying attention to Nate... who was infatuated with her belly, Alex climbed on to Mommy and bite her chin. Alex thought it was hilarious but Mommy apparently didn't think it was funny, so she strapped us into our high chairs and we got dinner... Bananas and Apples... yum... Alex ate about 10 good bites before deciding he didn't want to eat anymore, and Nate didn't eat very much. But we are both so tired, so now we are going to get ready for bed.
We have been thinking we may post all the old emails Mommy sent out when we were first born and during her pregnancy just so all of our history is at one spot, and you all can look back and see how we have grown. They would be back posted so as not to confuse you with old info.
It started to pour and we started to get fussy so Mommy joined us in Baby Jail and we both decided we needed to attack her. Nate tried climibing up her back and Alex tried going up her front. Mommy finally surrendered to our attacks and laid down. She grabbed Nate first and started making him fly on her knees. While Mommy was destracted with Nate, Alex came up and attacked her face. He had his mouth wide open and tried to bite whatever he could get, he didn't get a bite in.. but Mommy's face was covered in his saliva. Mommy put her guard up and continued playing with us keeping an especially close eye on Alex. About15 minutes later of rough housing with us Mommy apparently had put her guard down and while she was paying attention to Nate... who was infatuated with her belly, Alex climbed on to Mommy and bite her chin. Alex thought it was hilarious but Mommy apparently didn't think it was funny, so she strapped us into our high chairs and we got dinner... Bananas and Apples... yum... Alex ate about 10 good bites before deciding he didn't want to eat anymore, and Nate didn't eat very much. But we are both so tired, so now we are going to get ready for bed.
We have been thinking we may post all the old emails Mommy sent out when we were first born and during her pregnancy just so all of our history is at one spot, and you all can look back and see how we have grown. They would be back posted so as not to confuse you with old info.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Fun Day!
Yesterday was such a fun day. We did our usual morning routine, wake up, eat, play, eat, sleep. We woke up, got baths, and drove down to N/G's house. We always have fun there. Mommy took Alex to his helmet appointment, while N/G watched Nate. Alex got his photos taken for measurements for his new helmet. In case you haven't heard M/D decided to give Alex a 3rd helmet, with no guarentees it will do anything, but they have hopes since an O/T is going to come visit us soon that she will get Alex to eat and he will fatten up.
Later yesterday evening Miss. Maureen came over, she just had her birthday on Monday (Happy Belated Birthday Miss Maureen!) and she played with us, and had dinner with us, and we tried to eat her dessert (brownies and ice cream) but she was too fast for us. Even though we were dead tired we still ran around and played. Then Mommy packed up the car and before she could hit the beltway we were passed out in our car seats.
There is talk of going to the grocery store today with Mommy... which is always fun. We will post pictures of our play date with Miss Maureen when she emails them to our Mommy!
Later yesterday evening Miss. Maureen came over, she just had her birthday on Monday (Happy Belated Birthday Miss Maureen!) and she played with us, and had dinner with us, and we tried to eat her dessert (brownies and ice cream) but she was too fast for us. Even though we were dead tired we still ran around and played. Then Mommy packed up the car and before she could hit the beltway we were passed out in our car seats.
There is talk of going to the grocery store today with Mommy... which is always fun. We will post pictures of our play date with Miss Maureen when she emails them to our Mommy!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Weekend Update
So we spent the weekend with Daddy while Mommy was in NoVa for Miss Katie's bridal shower. We went for walks, to the grocery store and we played, we also picked G/G up in Baltimore from their cruise.
Miss Cheryl came this morning for P/T. She likes how Alex is doing better on his knees and he is getting the hang of crawling on all fours, but she really want to see him relax his legs and also sit up by himself. So she worked with Alex on a big rubber ball. She also is going to send her friend the O/T out to visit us and help us with our eating, since we have decided to be difficult about it.
Alex is also getting a 3rd helmet, M/D want to give it a go and see if it will improve his head a little bit more.
Nate is getting into trouble as usual.
That's all for now. We are exhausted... time for a nap!
Miss Cheryl came this morning for P/T. She likes how Alex is doing better on his knees and he is getting the hang of crawling on all fours, but she really want to see him relax his legs and also sit up by himself. So she worked with Alex on a big rubber ball. She also is going to send her friend the O/T out to visit us and help us with our eating, since we have decided to be difficult about it.
Alex is also getting a 3rd helmet, M/D want to give it a go and see if it will improve his head a little bit more.
Nate is getting into trouble as usual.
That's all for now. We are exhausted... time for a nap!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Big News
So we woke up from our nap not too long ago. Nate was being fussy so Mommy changed his diaper, but Alex needed his bath and helmet cleaning so she put Nate in Alex's crib because Nate likes to play with the mobile music box (she and Daddy had to take the actual mobile away... its for the better... says them) so we were both hanging out in Alex's crib, Mommy had to run down to the laundry room for a towel and clean outfit. when she left Alex was on his hands and knees and Nate was standing up. When she came back up Alex was sitting!!!! Now we won't say how he did it because Mommy has never seen him get into the sitting position before and we don't want to spill the beans before she gets a chance to see it for herself. But Mommy was very excited!!
We are looking forward to this weekend. Mommy has to go to N/G's for Miss Katie's bridal shower so we get to spend the weekend with Daddy doing manly stuff. On Sunday we are picking G/G up from Baltimore after their 10 day cruise. Monday Ms. Cheryl is coming to play with us again.
We'll let you know how our man weekend goes on Monday after P/T
We are looking forward to this weekend. Mommy has to go to N/G's for Miss Katie's bridal shower so we get to spend the weekend with Daddy doing manly stuff. On Sunday we are picking G/G up from Baltimore after their 10 day cruise. Monday Ms. Cheryl is coming to play with us again.
We'll let you know how our man weekend goes on Monday after P/T
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Birthday
We just wanted to wish our Aunt Courtney a very Happy Birthday today!!! We love you!!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Yesterday was Father's Day (hope all the daddies out there had a fabulous day) We started the weekend off hanging with Daddy while Mommy went to a baby shower for Miss Sara. Daddy gave us our baths and drove us down to N/G's house, were we had tons of fun waiting for Mommy to get there. We got to spend the evening with M/D, N/G, Pop-Pop, Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd and their puppy Felix. Aunt Courtney's birthday is on Wed. so we celebrated her birthday as well as fathers day with cake and presents, no cake for us :(
Yesterday we got up and went to church and we had way too much energy. Mommy put Nate down on the pew and he turned around and started to flirt with the older couple sitting behind us. He reached up for the lady to pick him up, she asked Mommy's permission and Mommy said yes. Nate had too much fun, the guy also held him too. After church the couple came up and said that we made their Father's Day, I guess their grandkids don't live near by. After church we hang out in the social hall and everyone said how big we have gotten and how cute we are (yeah... we know). Nate crawled all around and especially liked the glass doors. Alex was tired so stayed close to Daddy.
We spent a good part of the afternoon sleeping because we didn't get our morning nap in. But after we woke up we played with Mommy and Daddy and got our baths. While Daddy's was grilling dinner we got to go outside and visit with Miss Erika and Mr Michael and their twins Sofie and Jacob.
We don't have too much going on this week. Mommy says we are going to do errands after our nap today. Oh and we got new car seats!!! We are now in our big boy car seats. Daddy installed them on Saturday. Alex was sleeping while Daddy was playing with them so Nate got to help Daddy adjust the straps. Look at what a big boy he looks like!

Yesterday we got up and went to church and we had way too much energy. Mommy put Nate down on the pew and he turned around and started to flirt with the older couple sitting behind us. He reached up for the lady to pick him up, she asked Mommy's permission and Mommy said yes. Nate had too much fun, the guy also held him too. After church the couple came up and said that we made their Father's Day, I guess their grandkids don't live near by. After church we hang out in the social hall and everyone said how big we have gotten and how cute we are (yeah... we know). Nate crawled all around and especially liked the glass doors. Alex was tired so stayed close to Daddy.
We spent a good part of the afternoon sleeping because we didn't get our morning nap in. But after we woke up we played with Mommy and Daddy and got our baths. While Daddy's was grilling dinner we got to go outside and visit with Miss Erika and Mr Michael and their twins Sofie and Jacob.
We don't have too much going on this week. Mommy says we are going to do errands after our nap today. Oh and we got new car seats!!! We are now in our big boy car seats. Daddy installed them on Saturday. Alex was sleeping while Daddy was playing with them so Nate got to help Daddy adjust the straps. Look at what a big boy he looks like!

father's day,
getting bigger,
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Friday the 13th
Yesterday was fun. We slept in, since we didn't nap at all on Wed. Mommy made a cake for Miss Sara's baby shower which is tomorrow. We behaved ourselves for the most part while she did that. However we were tired and didn't want to go to sleep. We got wind that Grandma and Grandpap were coming into town! Mommy tried so hard to get us to take a nap before they got here... but it was no use! We had tons of fun playing with G/G. Grandpap was trying to help Nate escape baby jail by letting him climb all over him giving Nate a boost higher so he could grab onto the changing table. We finally took a nap, but woke up to eat some dinner with everyone. We didn't stay up too much longer after that.
Nate was up this morning to see G/G off onto their 10 day cruise to celebrate their retirement, but Alex slept in, since he got up in the middle of the night. We had a pretty uneventful day today. However Alex has been a difficult eater recently, so M/D tried eating dinner with us, since Alex likes to eat at big family meals. He wasn't eating and Mommy pointed at him and he opened his mouth... silly Mommy put her finger in Alex's mouth and he bit down HARD! She let him play with her finger while cringing in pain.. but than Daddy got the idea to put the baby food on her finger and feed him that way. GENIUS! He ate off of Mommy's finger with no problem. She was even able to slide a couple spoonfuls in before he would close his mouth... but would open back up for the finger. Apparently he has something against spoons.
Oh well.. off to bed. Tomorrow we are going to N/G's house to celebrate Aunt Courtney's B-Day and Father's Day!
Nate was up this morning to see G/G off onto their 10 day cruise to celebrate their retirement, but Alex slept in, since he got up in the middle of the night. We had a pretty uneventful day today. However Alex has been a difficult eater recently, so M/D tried eating dinner with us, since Alex likes to eat at big family meals. He wasn't eating and Mommy pointed at him and he opened his mouth... silly Mommy put her finger in Alex's mouth and he bit down HARD! She let him play with her finger while cringing in pain.. but than Daddy got the idea to put the baby food on her finger and feed him that way. GENIUS! He ate off of Mommy's finger with no problem. She was even able to slide a couple spoonfuls in before he would close his mouth... but would open back up for the finger. Apparently he has something against spoons.
Oh well.. off to bed. Tomorrow we are going to N/G's house to celebrate Aunt Courtney's B-Day and Father's Day!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
We know you are all probably like "What?!?!? Mother's Day was last month" We know that, but first thing in the morning it's really fun to confuse Mommy. So we know Mother's Day was last month and we sent Mommy a dozen pink roses (very sweet of us we know!) then yesterday we sent Mommy 2 dozen red roses. We signed our favorite Mommy up for 3 months of roses!! How fabulous are we?? So every second Wed. (May, June and July) Mommy is going to get flowers. She only has one more shipment coming, but the next time... like what happened yesterday. Mommy wont be home to receive the flowers. We were at Nana's and Grandad's all day and didn't get home till almost 10pm, Daddy had brought in the box of flowers (We always go ProFlowers, they are the best) but didn't set them up, so this morning Mommy was no quite awake and Daddy pointed out the box. Mommy was so confused.. she opened them and there was a card that said "Happy Mother's Day".. now she was even more confused. Daddy had to explain she was getting 3 months of roses. We aren't saying what kind of flowers are going to appear next month because Mommy doesn't know.
Alright lets get a real update going. So Alex had his helmet appointment, the technicians really aren't sure that a 3rd helmet will do much, but he has probably only one more adjustment left so on July 9th he should be getting his second helmet off. M/D don't know yet if they will do a 3rd helmet or not.
We didn't sleep yesterday, we usually take a morning nap shortly after waking up, but we knew we were going to N/G's house so we were really excited and didn't take a nap, but Mommy thought it would be ok because we would sleep the hour it takes to get to their house... but we didn't... ok well maybe for about 20-30 minutes, but we usually sleep for 2 hours! Then Alex slept a bit on his way back for his helmet appointment but Nate didn't sleep a wink... even though Grandad was running around with him and trying to waste his energy. Mommy went out with Miss Katie to look at her wedding dress and pick up dinner, and Nana went out to a girls night with some of her friends, so Grandad said he would watch us for a few hours. Since we hadn't napped all day Mommy told Grandad that we would probably pass out and be asleep the whole time... WRONG!!!!! Nate took a brief nap, but Alex didn't sleep at all. When Mommy and Miss Katie got back with dinner they sat in baby jail with us and we attacked them and tried to get their food, we eventually slowed down, and Mommy packed up our things and we headed home, Alex was asleep by the time we dropped Miss Katie off at her house and Nate was asleep by the time we hit the Dulles Toll Road. We woke up only to get a diaper change and a bottle when we got home and we actually slept in this morning. Alex woke up at 6:30 and Nate woke up at 7:30. Mommy is hoping for a day of naps to make up for yesterday... we will see.
Grandma and Grandpap are coming, so we may not sleep again today. They just retired and are going on a cruise. They leave tomorrow so they are stopping here for the day before they head off for 10 days.
Alright... Play time!!!!!
Alright lets get a real update going. So Alex had his helmet appointment, the technicians really aren't sure that a 3rd helmet will do much, but he has probably only one more adjustment left so on July 9th he should be getting his second helmet off. M/D don't know yet if they will do a 3rd helmet or not.
We didn't sleep yesterday, we usually take a morning nap shortly after waking up, but we knew we were going to N/G's house so we were really excited and didn't take a nap, but Mommy thought it would be ok because we would sleep the hour it takes to get to their house... but we didn't... ok well maybe for about 20-30 minutes, but we usually sleep for 2 hours! Then Alex slept a bit on his way back for his helmet appointment but Nate didn't sleep a wink... even though Grandad was running around with him and trying to waste his energy. Mommy went out with Miss Katie to look at her wedding dress and pick up dinner, and Nana went out to a girls night with some of her friends, so Grandad said he would watch us for a few hours. Since we hadn't napped all day Mommy told Grandad that we would probably pass out and be asleep the whole time... WRONG!!!!! Nate took a brief nap, but Alex didn't sleep at all. When Mommy and Miss Katie got back with dinner they sat in baby jail with us and we attacked them and tried to get their food, we eventually slowed down, and Mommy packed up our things and we headed home, Alex was asleep by the time we dropped Miss Katie off at her house and Nate was asleep by the time we hit the Dulles Toll Road. We woke up only to get a diaper change and a bottle when we got home and we actually slept in this morning. Alex woke up at 6:30 and Nate woke up at 7:30. Mommy is hoping for a day of naps to make up for yesterday... we will see.
Grandma and Grandpap are coming, so we may not sleep again today. They just retired and are going on a cruise. They leave tomorrow so they are stopping here for the day before they head off for 10 days.
Alright... Play time!!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Who turned up the heat?
So we have been cooped up inside for a few days now, no walks, or running errands. We couldn't figure out why, but today we found out. It is hot as heck outside! Mommy had to run to the high school where she coaches guard to pick up some flags for the summer practice, lets just say we were happy about being outside, the car wasn't terrible once the air finally kicked on, but boy was it hot walking to and from the car.
P/T went fine yesterday, Ms Sheryl and Ms Lori came and played with us. We had soooo much fun. We both kept climbing over both of them. However whenever Ms Sheryl comes she always makes us work. Alex did a real crawl for the very first time, he was on his hands and knees and went forward a little bit before reverting back to his combat style crawl. He also stood up on his own for like 5 seconds. Nate is getting better about standing on his own, but only does it once a day for about 10 seconds. However today he tried to stand up by himself, however he was hold a toy in his mouth with both hands so he didn't get the extra support that he needed. Oh well he will figure it out. Ms. Sheryl says that Alex is doing fabulously! He is only slightly behind where he should be developmentally, where as when she first started to visit us Alex was really far behind. Nate is right where he should be, possibly even a little ahead of what an 11 month old is doing. Everyone says he is going to be walking on his own very soon. Maybe by next month when he really should be 12 months.... M/D can't believe we are going to be 15 months on the 4th of July and on August 8th we will have been home a full year. Talk about craziness.
We have a big day planned for tomorrow. Mommy is driving us down to Nana and Grandad's house for the day. Alex has a helmet appointment and is going to get pictures taken of how his head is shaping up. Daddy is going to be there too, which he is never there, but because Alex may get a 3rd helmet they have lots of questions to ask. Nate is going to be running around N/G's house while Alex and M/D are at the helmet doctors place. Then afterwards we are going to hang out with Miss Katie for a little bit. YAY what fun! Oh and looking through Mommy's pictures I found some of a few weeks ago at Great Aunt Helen's and Great Uncle Bill's. And also pictures of us playing in N/G's pool. Enjoy!
Us in the baby pool

Alex splashing

Nate doing what Nate does best.... Eating things

Daddy and Nate in the big pool

P/T went fine yesterday, Ms Sheryl and Ms Lori came and played with us. We had soooo much fun. We both kept climbing over both of them. However whenever Ms Sheryl comes she always makes us work. Alex did a real crawl for the very first time, he was on his hands and knees and went forward a little bit before reverting back to his combat style crawl. He also stood up on his own for like 5 seconds. Nate is getting better about standing on his own, but only does it once a day for about 10 seconds. However today he tried to stand up by himself, however he was hold a toy in his mouth with both hands so he didn't get the extra support that he needed. Oh well he will figure it out. Ms. Sheryl says that Alex is doing fabulously! He is only slightly behind where he should be developmentally, where as when she first started to visit us Alex was really far behind. Nate is right where he should be, possibly even a little ahead of what an 11 month old is doing. Everyone says he is going to be walking on his own very soon. Maybe by next month when he really should be 12 months.... M/D can't believe we are going to be 15 months on the 4th of July and on August 8th we will have been home a full year. Talk about craziness.
We have a big day planned for tomorrow. Mommy is driving us down to Nana and Grandad's house for the day. Alex has a helmet appointment and is going to get pictures taken of how his head is shaping up. Daddy is going to be there too, which he is never there, but because Alex may get a 3rd helmet they have lots of questions to ask. Nate is going to be running around N/G's house while Alex and M/D are at the helmet doctors place. Then afterwards we are going to hang out with Miss Katie for a little bit. YAY what fun! Oh and looking through Mommy's pictures I found some of a few weeks ago at Great Aunt Helen's and Great Uncle Bill's. And also pictures of us playing in N/G's pool. Enjoy!
Us in the baby pool

Alex splashing

Nate doing what Nate does best.... Eating things

Daddy and Nate in the big pool


Nate's favorite new face
Us with M/D

Monday, June 9, 2008
Weekend Update
Hey Everyone!!!
We hope you had a great weekend. We certainly did! Friday Dada got home from work and he and Mommy packed up the car, they had put us in our cribs with some dinner and we fell asleep. After loading up the car M/D decided to wait till morning to leave for Grandma and Grandpap's house. Dada was tired from working all day and Mommy was exhusted from making a 3 tiered cake for the retirement party. It looked awesome... we wanted to play with it... that didn't happen. So Saturday morning we left for West Virginia, Nate slept the first half and Alex slept the second half. It was really foggy when we first started out on the road, but cleared up about an hour later. Lots of cops on the road too... but we didn't get pulled over. It would have been cool though.
Got to Grandma and Grandpaps house, we got to hang out with them and we tried to help set up for the party, but they wouldn't let us. Nate found a piece of onion on the floor and tried to eat it, Grandma and Daddy noticed before he got to swallow it. It was YUCKY! Great Aunt Helen and Great Uncle Bill and Aunt Heidi and Dave showed up and played with us as well. We got bathed and put into our cute outfits (Seriously though... any outfit is cute on us... we are THAT cute!) Then a ton of people showed up. Alex fell asleep and missed the first part of the party, so Nate worked the crowed and got them warmed up. Alex finally joined us and was a little shy at first, but he did just wake up and after a nap there is nothing better than being held by Mommy. After a couple minutes we were tag teaming the crowed, Nate was pulling magazines out of the stand and Alex would lay there reading them, everyone loved it. We got passed around to so many cool people, most of them were teachers. We did go to bed at one point... but that didn't last long. We are true party animals and stayed up till that last person left.
We woke up on Sunday at 6am, we ate breakfast and then fell back asleep. M/D woke us up at 9 and put us in the car to go home. Nate slept for the second half of the drive but Alex didn't fall asleep till we got home and put in his crib. We had a fun weekend!
Last night while Dada was playing with Nate and Alex was napping, Nate stood up on his own for 10 seconds. M/D thinks he will be walking on his own by next month!
Today our physical therapist, Miss Sheryl is coming to check on us, and we will probably be going to the grocery store at some point as well.
Alright, time for a nap before Miss Sheryl gets here.
We hope you had a great weekend. We certainly did! Friday Dada got home from work and he and Mommy packed up the car, they had put us in our cribs with some dinner and we fell asleep. After loading up the car M/D decided to wait till morning to leave for Grandma and Grandpap's house. Dada was tired from working all day and Mommy was exhusted from making a 3 tiered cake for the retirement party. It looked awesome... we wanted to play with it... that didn't happen. So Saturday morning we left for West Virginia, Nate slept the first half and Alex slept the second half. It was really foggy when we first started out on the road, but cleared up about an hour later. Lots of cops on the road too... but we didn't get pulled over. It would have been cool though.
Got to Grandma and Grandpaps house, we got to hang out with them and we tried to help set up for the party, but they wouldn't let us. Nate found a piece of onion on the floor and tried to eat it, Grandma and Daddy noticed before he got to swallow it. It was YUCKY! Great Aunt Helen and Great Uncle Bill and Aunt Heidi and Dave showed up and played with us as well. We got bathed and put into our cute outfits (Seriously though... any outfit is cute on us... we are THAT cute!) Then a ton of people showed up. Alex fell asleep and missed the first part of the party, so Nate worked the crowed and got them warmed up. Alex finally joined us and was a little shy at first, but he did just wake up and after a nap there is nothing better than being held by Mommy. After a couple minutes we were tag teaming the crowed, Nate was pulling magazines out of the stand and Alex would lay there reading them, everyone loved it. We got passed around to so many cool people, most of them were teachers. We did go to bed at one point... but that didn't last long. We are true party animals and stayed up till that last person left.
We woke up on Sunday at 6am, we ate breakfast and then fell back asleep. M/D woke us up at 9 and put us in the car to go home. Nate slept for the second half of the drive but Alex didn't fall asleep till we got home and put in his crib. We had a fun weekend!
Last night while Dada was playing with Nate and Alex was napping, Nate stood up on his own for 10 seconds. M/D thinks he will be walking on his own by next month!
Today our physical therapist, Miss Sheryl is coming to check on us, and we will probably be going to the grocery store at some point as well.
Alright, time for a nap before Miss Sheryl gets here.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
It's a twister, It's a twister!
Boy you guys... there was a storm brewing last night. Nana called because there were tornadoes down by her and very strong winds (so strong that our Mommy's good friend Miss Becca's mommy's house had a tree fall on it and land on their bed... luckily everyone was at work!) We were sleeping through most of it, but when we woke up we got to play in the basement and watch Sesame Street and try to get into Mommy's baking supplies. What fun! Yesterday was Daddy's birthday, he is 29.... That's OLD!!!!! We got him a shaved ice machine and lots of flavors of syrup, M/D were enjoying their ice.. but we didn't get any... too bad they waited till we were asleep... they always do the fun things after we go to bed. We also got him cards, they tasted pretty good.
Today Mommy has a lot of stuff she needs to do, so we started the day off right. We woke her up early with lots of whining and fussing downstairs instead of letting her sleep in. Then while she was trying to get some important emails out Nate stood at the gate and threw up breakfast.... yay for gag reflexes!! Then the first time this morning we went into our cribs Alex threw up and needed a bath and new sheet. He probably drank too much milk too fast. We are getting tired now, time for our morning nap... this baby thing is hard work!
We have a busy weekend coming up. Today Mommy is starting to make the cake for Grandma and Grandpap's retirement party this weekend (she showed us the picture... it's going to be SWEEEET! ) plus she has some guard auditions, and tomorrow Miss Katie and Mr. Ben are stopping by the morning to play with us before the head up to Hershey to do some wedding stuff, then its of to Grandma and Grandpap's house for the weekend for the retirement party. We are debating still if we are going to sleep in the car, we will let you know when we get back from the weekend.
Mommy's coming to take us upstairs... gotta go!
~Nate and Alex
Today Mommy has a lot of stuff she needs to do, so we started the day off right. We woke her up early with lots of whining and fussing downstairs instead of letting her sleep in. Then while she was trying to get some important emails out Nate stood at the gate and threw up breakfast.... yay for gag reflexes!! Then the first time this morning we went into our cribs Alex threw up and needed a bath and new sheet. He probably drank too much milk too fast. We are getting tired now, time for our morning nap... this baby thing is hard work!
We have a busy weekend coming up. Today Mommy is starting to make the cake for Grandma and Grandpap's retirement party this weekend (she showed us the picture... it's going to be SWEEEET! ) plus she has some guard auditions, and tomorrow Miss Katie and Mr. Ben are stopping by the morning to play with us before the head up to Hershey to do some wedding stuff, then its of to Grandma and Grandpap's house for the weekend for the retirement party. We are debating still if we are going to sleep in the car, we will let you know when we get back from the weekend.
Mommy's coming to take us upstairs... gotta go!
~Nate and Alex
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Hey you found us. Awesome! Don't tell our Mom but we hacked into her laptop and set up this totally cool blog so we can tell you what's going on in our world. Most of you know our story but lets reminisce shall we.
We are Nate and Alex and we were born.... hang on lets go further back because it is funny. So M/D found out they were pregnant and went to the doctors to get their first ultrasound. We decided to play a little prank on them and one of us (we aren't saying who) hid behind the other one, so they thought they were pregnant with just one of us (suckers!) We were pretty nice to Mom, she didn't have much morning sickness, though she was incredibly tired all of the time. About 16 weeks into her pregnancy she got some sort of blood work done. The results freaked them out and Mom got sent to the hospital to get an emergency sonogram done. During said sonogram the technician was confused between what she was reading and what she was seeing, after a couple minutes of silence she finally asked Mom "How many babies did they say you were carrying?"... Our gig was up. However we did nearly give Dad a heart attack when the technician said "is that a 3rd one... never mind". Again we won't say who.. but somebody stuck their foot up twice while she was counting limbs. So the cat was out of the bag, there were two of us in there... we are just so awesome that the world needs two of us! A few weeks later they found our man parts and plastered our picture all over the Internet announcing they were having identical twin boys. We decided not to be too easy on Mom, so she started to get some serious pre-eclampsia. She was admitted into the hospital at 26 weeks, thinking she was going to spend the next 3 months stuck in a hospital bed. Boy was she wrong! On April 4th Alex went into distress and his heart rate plummeted (probably from the thought of eating that nasty hospital food for the next 3 months... YUCKY!) So about 6 minutes after that we came into the world, 14 weeks too early! We won't bore you with the details but lets just say we worried M/D, our grandparents, aunts and uncles, and all of our friends for the first few weeks. Finally after a 4 months stay at St. Agnes Hospital, a couple surgeries and lots of flirting with the nurses, we escaped the NICU.
Fast forward 10 months from that, we are now 14 months old, and still cute as can be. We have been in and out of doctors offices since we left the hospital but have never gotten sick, we even survived our first RSV/Cold and Flu season without even a sniffle. Lets update you shall we.
Alex -still has a helmet on to help shape his head and now he wears a funny eye patch to help his left eye get a little stronger, it's only for an hour a day. He just figured out how to get on his hands and knees and climb up on toys, cribs and gates. He has decided he doesn't like to eat solid foods and keeps his lips closed tightly, though if you trick him and he opens his mouth he eats it without a fuss (just being difficult and driving M/D crazy) however he drinks his bottles like a champ! Alex loves bath time, eating a good book and playing with plastic balls and rings, banging on his piano, styling his hair with food and cuddling with whomever holds him. Alex also loves to clap... especially when the Penguins score! He hates his vitamins, his eye patch, being tired or hungry (being both is the worst) and being put down in the play area right after getting up from a nap
Nate - is on the verge of standing on his own and walking. He also is being difficult in the eating solid foods department, but isn't as bad as his brother. Nate cruises along "baby jail" (our play area surrounded by a huge baby gate). He enjoys throwing toys on the floor, stalking our cat Piccadilly, taking toys from Alex, scrunching up his nose and snorting, climbing over whomever/whatever is in his way, standing on toys (or little brothers), and making messes. Nate hates not being the center of attention, when his brother wakes him up with his crying, being asleep when something is going on, sitting still when you want to change his diaper.
Oh and we are both massive flirts, we love anyone who will give us the time of day. We are true ladies men, chicks dig us, especially when we flash them our smiles, they go crazy over that stuff. We both also have a new found love of swimming pools.
We have a busy summer coming up, we can't wait to go to the beach and play in the sand... and get sand EVERYWHERE we can... we will probably eat some too.
Thanks for visiting, stop by often... we have plans on updating this as often as we can about our day to day activities.
Nate & Alex
We are Nate and Alex and we were born.... hang on lets go further back because it is funny. So M/D found out they were pregnant and went to the doctors to get their first ultrasound. We decided to play a little prank on them and one of us (we aren't saying who) hid behind the other one, so they thought they were pregnant with just one of us (suckers!) We were pretty nice to Mom, she didn't have much morning sickness, though she was incredibly tired all of the time. About 16 weeks into her pregnancy she got some sort of blood work done. The results freaked them out and Mom got sent to the hospital to get an emergency sonogram done. During said sonogram the technician was confused between what she was reading and what she was seeing, after a couple minutes of silence she finally asked Mom "How many babies did they say you were carrying?"... Our gig was up. However we did nearly give Dad a heart attack when the technician said "is that a 3rd one... never mind". Again we won't say who.. but somebody stuck their foot up twice while she was counting limbs. So the cat was out of the bag, there were two of us in there... we are just so awesome that the world needs two of us! A few weeks later they found our man parts and plastered our picture all over the Internet announcing they were having identical twin boys. We decided not to be too easy on Mom, so she started to get some serious pre-eclampsia. She was admitted into the hospital at 26 weeks, thinking she was going to spend the next 3 months stuck in a hospital bed. Boy was she wrong! On April 4th Alex went into distress and his heart rate plummeted (probably from the thought of eating that nasty hospital food for the next 3 months... YUCKY!) So about 6 minutes after that we came into the world, 14 weeks too early! We won't bore you with the details but lets just say we worried M/D, our grandparents, aunts and uncles, and all of our friends for the first few weeks. Finally after a 4 months stay at St. Agnes Hospital, a couple surgeries and lots of flirting with the nurses, we escaped the NICU.
Fast forward 10 months from that, we are now 14 months old, and still cute as can be. We have been in and out of doctors offices since we left the hospital but have never gotten sick, we even survived our first RSV/Cold and Flu season without even a sniffle. Lets update you shall we.
Alex -still has a helmet on to help shape his head and now he wears a funny eye patch to help his left eye get a little stronger, it's only for an hour a day. He just figured out how to get on his hands and knees and climb up on toys, cribs and gates. He has decided he doesn't like to eat solid foods and keeps his lips closed tightly, though if you trick him and he opens his mouth he eats it without a fuss (just being difficult and driving M/D crazy) however he drinks his bottles like a champ! Alex loves bath time, eating a good book and playing with plastic balls and rings, banging on his piano, styling his hair with food and cuddling with whomever holds him. Alex also loves to clap... especially when the Penguins score! He hates his vitamins, his eye patch, being tired or hungry (being both is the worst) and being put down in the play area right after getting up from a nap
Nate - is on the verge of standing on his own and walking. He also is being difficult in the eating solid foods department, but isn't as bad as his brother. Nate cruises along "baby jail" (our play area surrounded by a huge baby gate). He enjoys throwing toys on the floor, stalking our cat Piccadilly, taking toys from Alex, scrunching up his nose and snorting, climbing over whomever/whatever is in his way, standing on toys (or little brothers), and making messes. Nate hates not being the center of attention, when his brother wakes him up with his crying, being asleep when something is going on, sitting still when you want to change his diaper.
Oh and we are both massive flirts, we love anyone who will give us the time of day. We are true ladies men, chicks dig us, especially when we flash them our smiles, they go crazy over that stuff. We both also have a new found love of swimming pools.
We have a busy summer coming up, we can't wait to go to the beach and play in the sand... and get sand EVERYWHERE we can... we will probably eat some too.
Thanks for visiting, stop by often... we have plans on updating this as often as we can about our day to day activities.
Nate & Alex
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