Sunday, August 31, 2008


OMG 2 posts in one day????? This one has a video of Nate walking, sorry it's shaky Mommy was trying to back up while she was shooting to keep Nate walking. Enjoy!


So we may be 2 days late but Friday was Mommy's Birthday!!!!!!! We have good reason why we didn't update. The whole house has been sick with a bad cold. Alex currently has an eye infection and Nate has a slight cough. Mommy is finally feeling better and Daddy is getting there. So what did we get Mommy for her birthday??? A NEW CAMERA!!!! Here are some photos from it.

Alex on Mommy's Lap

Alex in the rocking chair all by himself


Nate going after Mommy's new camera

The boys reading Mommy's birthday card from them

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Miss Sheryl and Miss Lori came yesterday for some P/T fun. We are both looking very good and they are impressed with how we are growing and developing. But before they came we had a bit of a rough morning. Let us preface it by saying Mommy has been sick with a cold since Friday afternoon. So we do our morning routine as usual, Mommy puts us upstairs so we can take a nap before P/T. We were upstairs for maybe an hour and hadn't fallen asleep yet even though we were really tired when...... well we won't say exactly what happened but lets just say there was a blood curdelling scream and Mommy walked in to find us standing up and Alex's finger in Nate's mouth. Have we mentioned we have a lot of sharp teeth. Luckily no blood was spilled but Alex was so upset and crying so hard he threw-up a little bit and had milk coming out of his nose, which only made him more upset. And of course this was at 11:00 and Miss Sheryl comes at 11:30. So Mommy calmed Alex down and while she was doing that he threw-up again... luckily in the bathroom on the floor. So Alex got a bath to help calm him down and then everything was good. Lets just say that after p/t we passed out for a good 2 hours.

Grandma finally sent pictures that she took and we posted a few of them. Enjoy!

This is self explanatory. This is what we usually look like.

I am adorable

Laughing at Grandma

Still adorable

Nate is such a poser

"I am going to bite you"

Nate hanging out out side with Grandpap

Thursday, August 21, 2008


We were told we were done with it, that it would be a loooooong time before we would have to go through it again, we were talking months... maybe years..... BUT YOU LIED!!!!!!! We had to go get blood drawn yesterday for our allergy tests. We went last month for our thyroid issue and was told that since that came back looking good we wouldn't have to go through the pain and agony of giving blood again. Alex went first and cried and cried and cried some more. It took about 5 minutes for Mommy to calm him down again. Even then he sat in the stroller whimpering. Nate cried and faught Mommy while she tried to hold him down to give blood, lucky for him this time they only had to poke him once. Mommy said when we were all done and calm again that it would be a while again before we have to give blood.... we will believe it when we see it.

Our newly married Aunt Katie (aka Miss Katie.... aka Nate's Godmama) came to visit on Tuesday. We showed her all of our neat tricks and she took us on a walk with Mommy to Subway for lunch. We did go in our cribs for a little bit to allow them to have some adult time while they looked at wedding pictures and talked about Costa Rica. But of course we knew when she was getting ready to leave and whined to come back down stairs..... and it worked.

We have been getting back to a normal schedule this week. Mommy goes to band camp for an hour after Daddy gets home, but other than that it has been pretty boring. On Saturday we are going to Nana and Grandad's house to hang out with them all day. YAY!

Nate's walking is improving he can take more steps now before falling down and Alex is just starting to figure out cruising.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We're home

We had a blast at the beach. We got back Sunday afternoon and after we got back Daddy unpacked while we took a nap and Mommy went to the grocery store and Home Depot to buy a brand new HUGE rug for our new baby jail area. Our rocking chair from our nursery also got brought downstairs into our baby jail. We are so excited about our new play area. Except our cats can't get into it, but M/D let Piccadilly whenever she wants to check it out. She also loves our new rug.

Grandma and Grandpap came on Sunday as well. They are going to the beach next week, but this week they are babysitting us while Daddy goes to work and Mommy is at band camp for her color guard. So we have been having fun so far this week taking walks, playing with bubbles outside, biting G/G and taking out all of our toys in our baby jail.

Nothing exciting planned.. we had a pretty crazy 2 weeks so a little down time is going to be nice.

We are still eating like champs though. YAY!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Beach Update

Sorry we haven't updated. We have been so busy lounging on the beach, eating sand, splashing in the pool, taking siestas, eating and drinking a few bottles a day... of formula.

We went down the beach for the first time on Wed. We played in the sand... ate the sand, sat in the ocean and we got carried into the ocean as well. We loved it!!!!!!!

We also have hung out in the pool every day... OMG so much fun!!!! We love to splash around, take every one's sunglasses off.

While we are on vacation we have been hard at work EATING!!!! Since Nana and Grandad watched us last weekend while Mommy and Daddy went off to Miss Katie's wedding we are eating 3 full meals a day!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! We both are kicking eatings booty!

However there is some bad news. Mommy and Daddy had to take Nate to urgent care Wed. night because he had a very crusty eye. Turns out he had an eye infection AND a DOUBLE ear infection. However no one knew about it because he was his normal self. So he is now on antibiotics.

We head home tomorrow. We are currently uploading all of our pictures onto our photo album. Check them out here -

Here is a sneak peek to wet your pallet

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


We made it to the beach with only one major issue... we woke up in Williamsburg and weren't allowed out of our car seats so we started crying so much we threw up... so we had to make Aunt Courtney do an emergency pullover. The remainder of the car ride was uneventful.

Here are the haircut pics as promised

Nate punked out pre-haircut

Alex punked out pre-haircut

Jane cutting Nate's hair while Nana holds him

Alex getting his haircut by Jane in Nana's lap

Us and Jane after we survived our haircut

Monday, August 4, 2008

16 months

We are 16 months today and..... it's also Grandma's birthday today! Happy Birthday Grandma!

We had a blast at Nana's and Grandad's. We had an eye appointment this morning and Nate's eyes are fabulous however Alex's is going to need laser eye surgery to finish fixing his lazy eye.. that will happen at the exact same time as his other surgery scheduled for next month.

We are busy packing up our toys because tonight we head to the beach.

We will do a huge update once we get settled at the beach house and post lots of pictures!!