Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Pop-Pop!

What a weekend. Friday morning Mommy took us to Nana and Grandad's house. We spent the whole weekend down there celebrating Pop-Pop's 89th Birthday! Uncle Bob and Aunt Marsha were down from Wisconsin, Uncle Greg came down with Megan and Rachel from New Jersey and of course Aunt Coco and Uncle Todd were there with Kerri and Felix. We had way too much fun!

Uncle Bob and Aunt Marsha with 2 very cute little boys! :)

All the kids helping Pop-Pop blow out the candles
 Helping him open cards and presents

                                                          Kerri and Megan

Alex - Can my mouth get any bigger to fit more icing in?

And this is just a cute picture of Toulouse in Mommy's suitcase when we got home. She buried herself under Mommy's clothes.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day!

School is closed today so we stayed home and played in the snow.

We're getting ready to go outside.


Us being a big help sweeping and mopping up the snow.

We got hot with all that sweeping.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lucy and Emmy Pictures

Uncle Todd took more pictures of Toulouse and Emerson at Nana's house this weekend. Please not that Toulouse used to be white.... until she found Nana's fireplace (that was off) and decided to roll around in it, so did Emerson.. but you can't tell on him. Silly Kitty Cats! Check out the pictures on Kerri's blog -

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We are big brothers!!!!

We got 2 new kittens at Mommy's house!!!!

Introducing Toulouse "Lucy"  (black and white female) and Emerson "Emmy" (Brown male). They are about 5 or 6 months old and are not littermates but really good friends. We are so excited. Piccadilly and Ty are still at Daddy's house and are doing well!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Misc. Pictures.

So before we get to another Christmas post we finally got Mommy to unload her camera from November through Christmas. So here are a couple pictures that got lost.

Miss Becca and Mr. Chris got to go to the Yo Gabba Gabba concert (so jealous) in August and in November we finally got the super cool paper glasses they saved for us. Don't we look just like DJ Lance Rock? Thanks Miss. Becca and Mr. Chris!!

Remember in early December when Alex came home from school sick? Well here is how pathetic he looked. He had about 4 blankets and his PJs on and didn't move all after noon. Luckily he felt better the next day!

Christmas videos and pictures will be added very soon!!!!