Friday, July 25, 2008

Wow what a week!

So we have been so busy we haven't had much time to update. So here is the reader's digest of our past week.
Monday morning Mommy went to something called the dentist, so Daddy stayed with us till she got home. While Daddy was watching us Alex figured out how to sit down from standing in his crib... he even now does it on command. Daddy left for work and we took a nap while Mommy cleaned up our play area for P/T time. Miss Sheryl and Miss Lori came and played with us. For whatever we were in a mellow mood and didn't climb over everyone. Miss Lori brought bubbles and Alex thought they were the funniest things. After P/T Mommy loaded us up in the car and took us to N/Gs house. Grandad came home a day early from his boating trip with Great Uncle Bob just to play with us and hang out. Mommy had to go help Miss Katie get some stuff ready for her wedding next Saturday so we hung out with N/G and Great Uncle Bob all day. We had way too much fun running around with them. We even got to spend the night there and play with them for most of Tuesday as well.

Wed. we ran a bunch of errands with Mommy.

Yesterday Nate wasn't wanting to take a nap and when Mommy went up to get him out of his crib Piccadilly was in the room so Mommy put Nate on the floor. He got up and hung on to Alex's crib and then let goed and stood there for a second... then he took two steps and stopped... still standing... then took another step and fell... so he is officially "walking".. instead of just taking a step and falling. He will be running in no time.

This weekend we don't have much planned. Mommy needs to get a lot of stuff ready, Next Thursday we are going to spend the weekend at N/G's house while M/D go to Miss Katie and Mr. Ben's wedding. Then on Monday we get our eyes checked out and then that night we are off to the beach for a week with N/G, Pop-Pop, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Courtney and possible Uncle Todd. YAY!!!!!!!!!

Well we are exhausted!!!!!!!!!!! time for our nap

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