Sunday, April 26, 2009

What a weekend!

Could we have been any busier??????

So as you Friday was play with Sofie and Jacob and Miss Erika as well as Miss Jeanette day.... yesterday was Aquarium with Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben day!!!! WE HAD SO MUCH FUN...... Some of us would have had MORE fun if we had decided to nap.... :ahem: Nate..... So Nate didn't nap at all before we went to the aquarium and he didn't get to run around as much as he would have liked... Alex was fairly content with being carried every where... there are no strollers allowed in the aquarium. We saw TONS of fish.... as well as sharks, sting-rays, dolphins, birds, sloths, and a tarantula... very cool! We also walk a little bit around the Inner Harbor and saw a bunch of boats.... Uncle Ben steered the stroller like a mad man... but it was fun. Then it was back home for dinner and bed. We were exhausted! But do you think we slept through the night? Of course not... Alex woke up right as everyone was going to bed (Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben spent the night) which was about 1130ish and didn't go to bed till almost 2... poor Mommy was rocking him trying to get him to fall asleep in her arms so he wouldn't cry when she put him down and disturb our guests.... luckily when she did finally put him down... even though he wasn't completely asleep he only fussed for a minute.

This morning Daddy ran us around outside and we saw Sofie and Jacob as well as the other set of twins that live two houses down. But we stayed inside most of the day because it has been very hot out.

*BREAKING NEWS* Alex just hit a HUGE milestone that Miss Cheryl his PT wanted him to do... Alex started walking on his own with no encouragement... walked up to the ball, picked up it threw it, kept walking, walked to the ball, bent down to pick it up again, kept walking and threw it... YAY he can balance himself enough to walk, bend over, pick something up and keep walking... AND throw it....... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in the world of Nate... this weekend... his Godmama...Aunt Katie....whom Mommy loves with all her heart...... taught Nate to say "No-No"...... Mommy currently still finds it amusing... however she mentioned something about payback and it being a female dog.... not sure what that means... but there is a video on Aunt Katie's camera so when we get it we will definitely be posting it.

Ok dinner time. Yum!!! Pictures from this weekend can be found here -

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