Monday, January 25, 2010

Go Us!

Mommy just clicked the map on the left hand of the screen (it's there just scroll down a little) and today we reached 8,000 hits to our blog since June 2008... GO US! Yeah we know we aren't in any big running for the #1 spot... but hey that's pretty cool for a set of preemie twins.

Anyways, it's 55 degrees outside...... AND RAINING!!!! How completely unfair is that. We are sounding better cough wise and looking forward to Friday. Playgroup in the morning, then lunch with Sasha (and Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben) then hanging out at Nana and Grandad's house with them, Aunt CoCo, Uncle Todd, Pop-Pop and all the way from Wisconsin Great Aunt Marsha and Great Uncle Bob! There will be some major videos and photos taken that day!!!

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