Wednesday, April 7, 2010

March of Dimes

Hi, Alex and Nate's Mommy here. A big thanks to everyone who has donated so far to the March of Dimes walk I am a part of this year!!! Every dollar helps me reach my goal of $4,000 and also helps the March of Dimes reach their goal of letting every mommmy have healthy babies. I went to a kickoff yesterday for a company and the 2010ambassador family for the March of Dimes was there to tell their story. Josh was born at 23 WEEKS!!!! And is now a fairly healthy and normal 7 year old. And many people have asked me what it's like to have a preemie (or 2) and I have never been able to put it into words but Josh's Mom phrased it beautifully, and even admitted she had heard this from someone else.

Having a preemie is like planning a big trip to Paris, you and your partner book your flight, make all the reservations, plan your itinerary, brush up on your high school french, do research, pack your backs, go to the airport, get on the plane take off for the trip of a life time. You are so excited, but once you land the captain comes on over the intercom and says "Welcome to Holland!" HOLLAND?? You didn't want to go to Holland, you wanted to go to Paris, you dont know the language or the culture, everything is so foreign and kind of scary. But you make your way around Holland, and while it's very different than Paris, it's still a beautiful place and in the end it turned out to be a long and tiresome, but heavily rewarding trip, with a great souvenir (or two!)

If you haven't donated already, please donate now, every dollar helps. Thank you so much! ~ Caitlin

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