Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Do You Know The Muffin Man??????

We know the muffin man and WE LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
We had the egg in baked good challenge today AND WE PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!
We ate a whole blueberry muffin (made with extra egg) today over a 3 hour period and didn't even have 1 single hive!! So excited!!!!
So what does this mean for us?? Well we get to eat cake, brownies, muffins and of course Mommy's famous chocolate chip cookies we have been hearing all about, plus some other baked good yumminess. However we have to slowly work up to other good things like pancakes, waffles, and french toast cause they tend to have a bit more egg in them... and we can't eat straight egg or things like mayo or meringue yet either. But hey cookies and cake and muffins sound good to us :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
