Thursday, December 21, 2006

So I am 11 and 1/2 weeks pregnant and I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday. We heard the baby's heart beat!!!! It was so cool. It was really fast too, about 180 bpm, which as our doctor pointed out the old wives tale says a fast heart beat is a girl, and a slower one is a boy... so if 120 is the norm and our little one is 180, it could very well be a girl. But we aren't getting our hopes up. The heart beat was also very strong, the Dr was very happy. I got back in 4 weeks to do test for Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida, and I think a couple other things. Then 4 weeks after that is an ultrasound and we hopefully will find out the sex of our little one... so YAY only 8 more weeks of gender neutral adjetives... hopefully!

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