Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Had a doctors appointment today. I have gained a healthy pound and 1/2 since my last check up (4 weeks ago). Haven't had morning sickness is over a week (but I think the last episode was due to stress last weekend). Baby's heartbeat is a nice, steady and strong 160. I had to give up some blood today, only one vile which isn't bad compared to the 8 I had to give up the first time. The blood will be used to run tests for spinabifida and down syndrome. Hopefully everything will come up normal and healthy. We are offically on count down to learn the sex of the baby. My next doctors appointment is Mon Feb 12. Chris and I both get to go in and see the baby again, and hopefully if the baby is facing the right way we will be able to add a pronoun to our vocabulary (He or She!) If you wish to make an offical guess you have till Sunday Feb 11. I am hearing both boy and girl guesses. I have looked at some old wives tales and even took an online test, which says it is 52% likely to be a girl and 47% likely to be a boy (where is the other 1%?). So its almost split down the middle evenly.

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