Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Goings Ons

While we would like to say that both of us a fabulous weekend visiting Grandma and Grandpap while they were here.... Nate unfortunately can't say that. He has had the worlds worst diaper rash since Thursday or Friday. It got really bad over the weekend. Everyone was giving him baking soda baths and putting so much stuff on his butt. He didn't want to poop so he has been prolonging it from healing.

Today however Alex had an eye appointment to check on how his eye is doing post-surgery. Dr W was so excited with how well everything looks, however his right eye is still stronger than his left so on weekends Alex has to go back to getting drops put into his right eye to help strengthen up his left. While we were there we ran into Dr L (our pediatrician) who was taking her kids to see Dr W. She chatted with Mommy who went into detail about Nate's butt and Dr L suggested giving him prune stuff and some oil to help move things along and make him poop so everything could heal. Since then some poop has come out but Mommy is convinced that there will be more coming out soon.

Tomorrow we are off to Nana and Grandad's for Thanksgiving. We are going down ahead of Daddy so Mommy can visit with Uncle Stephen, and Great Uncles Greg and Chris and her cousins Megan and Rachel. Rachel is about our age and Megan is almost 4, so it should be fun to play with them. Plus tomorrow Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd are stopping by for an over night visit before they go visit Uncle Todd's family. We hope they bring their dog Felix with them.

If we don't get to update before Thursday. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!!!

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