Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's Snowing!!!!!!!!

So we guess this is our first actual snow fall that we can appreciate. Given that our first official snow fall was the first few days of our lives while we were in incubators and couldn't see out the window (even though it was 80 degrees the day we were born.... yeah figure that one out!) And last winter we pretty much slept through and weren't focusing on anything. So.. YAY snow!!!!!! Its not really sticking, but it is fun to watch falling down outside. Course we are seriously easy to amuse right now due to lack of sleep.... thanks to Nate!

So last night at about 1030 Nate woke up crying. Not unusual. A diaper change and some water and he is back asleep. However, for whatever reason he didn't want to be in his crib last night, he didn't want to go to sleep either... but he was so tired. It was the epitome of pathetic. Mommy and Daddy were awake past midnight and he finally went to his crib with a bottle of milk and fell asleep at God knows what time. We were of course both up at 7am and a mess. Mommy pretty much marched us back upstairs at 8 with bottles of milk and we were both out by 9. So today has been an off day, and we are getting tired again. Hopefully its not another crazy night tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get to feel the snow falling? It's fun to let it hit your face.