Friday, October 31, 2008


We know, we know... we have so much to update you on. It has been a busy busy week for us, we have had doctors appointments, Mommy has had doctors appointments, Mommy dragged us to the mall, we have been getting beetter and we have just been too busy playing to update you. But a huge update is coming. We just have to run around and pack right now because we are going to Nana's and Grandad's this morning to spend the night cause tomorrow is Nana's birthday. They also will babysit us while Mommy and Daddy go to Aunt Courtney's Halloween party.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that you boys are feeling better. I heard from Grandma that you had another ear infection as a result of your cold. What are you going to be for Halloween this year? Love, Great Aunt Helen