Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zoo pics and a quick update

Well before we get to the goods (pictures from this weekend) we have some more very exciting news from Alex. Unfortunately he has a small cold, but Mommy took him to the doctors yesterday just to make sure there wasn't an ear infection. Good news... no ear infection... Better news.... Alex has officially hit 20lbs!! YAY!!!!! He has gained over a pound in less than them month since our surgery. WAY TO GO ALEX! Nate didn't get weighed since he wasn't showing symptoms... at the time. However we both woke up this morning with runny noses and feeling a little warm. It will be a quiet day in baby jail!

Alright here are only 3 pictures from the zoo... the rest you will have to check out HERE

The fam at the zoo, Mommy is holding Nate (nice tongue) and Dada is holding Alex

Alex was fascinated by this guy, he tried to pat him through the glass

All the boys. (l-r) Nate, Alex, our new friend Jules (Aunt Katie's nephew)

1 comment:

WUCREW News said...

wow, they are little men now. to think they were tiny little babies not too long ago, and now they are so mature and have developed in to beatiful toddlers, so fast too! Enjoy it while it lasts, soon they will enter the talking phase and will repeat everything you say, even the not so nice things :( yes I've said a few bad words and Liam tells me to go to TIME OUT. and I do!
The funniest thing he's ask lately was about an overweight women, he asked directed to her, "IS there a baby in your tummy?", "Mommy is that a baby?" Lucky for me she laughed and I laughed with much relief and she embraced Liam with a hug! Thank god.
Love the updates and photos!