Thursday, October 23, 2008

still sick

We are no congested. Mommy called the doctor's office and the nurse said to give us benadryl, use a humidifier and lots of fluids. She also mentioned something about using saline solution and sucking out or noses... but we are hoping she forgot about that part because we HATE getting our noses sucked out.

We have tons of energy though. We went to Nana's house yesterday and ran around like mad men. Aunt Courtney even came over for dinner since Uncle Todd is out of town on business.

Today will probably be a very quiet day for us since that stuff Mommy gives us makes us very drowsy. I would what Mommy will do all day if we aren't around to entertain her. She probably just sits on the couch not knowing what to do when we are napping!

:cough: :cough: time for our nap!

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