Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bigger News!

So on Monday Alex took his first unassisted step... today he took 3 steps towards Mommy all by himself.... Daddy help steady him before letting go. ...... speaking of Daddy..... Mommy spent the night at Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben's again and when she came home Nate had a new hair cut thanks to Daddy..... she is less than pleased... but its not as bad as what she did to Alex.

Lots going on this week, P/T, Visiting Nana and Grandad, Grandma and Grandpap are coming down ..... and a weigh-in for Alex with Dr. L. on Tuesday. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Alex! Pretty soon you'll be able to run one way while Nate goes the other and really keep Mommy and Daddy busy!!!Love, Great Aunt Helen