Sunday, January 25, 2009


So we know we haven't updated since Obama because president. There hasn't been too much going on here. Wed. we went to Nana and Grandad's house and had tons of fun running around their basement playing with toys and climbing on their stairs... as usual.

Thursday Miss Ashley (a friend of Mommy's who gave us our favorite monkeys for our 1st birthday) came over and played with us. Then we napped. Then Miss Cheryl came to play with us. Alex hasn't walked since last Tuesday, just being difficult like that. But he has been standing and hanging out like that for longer periods of time.

We haven't been up to too much the last two days. We are currently blogging from Nana and Grandad's house waiting for Aunt Courtney and Uncle Todd to arrive... oh we almost forgot... our baby cousin-to-be is a.... GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is so excited, we can't wait to meet her... however we are going to talk to her today about staying in for a long time, since we are expert NICU babies... and while we LOVE our nurses and all the attention we received.... she would have more fun going right home where she will be spoiled by both sets of her grandparents and all her aunts and uncles... since she is the 1st girl baby on both sides of the family. Wait... does that mean attention won't be on us anymore.... hmmmm... this may not be as fun as it sounds.

Alright... well gotta go play with all of our toys... Mommy is taking pictures so we will post them later this week!

1 comment:

WUCREW News said...

we love to see the updates! we will be donating again!